Report Settings

Area Bar

Box Plot

Control Gantt Gauge KPI
Line Pareto Pie Pivot
Radar Scatter Stacked-Bar Sunburst
Table Treemap Waterfall  


Report Type Report Settings
  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Invert Axis: Display the x-axis on the left and the y-axis on the bottom.

  • Legend: Display the legend and configure the settings.

  • Stack Type: Select the type of stack.

  • Totals: Display totals.

  • Y-Axis: Display the symbols in lines, configure the maximum and minimum percentage, and merge the axis.

  • Cumulative Data: Display the cumulative amount.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Grid: Display the grid and select the line type.

  • Legend: Display the legend and configure the settings.

  • Ranking: Enable and configure the ranking criteria for the report.

  • Series Display: Format the display of the series.

  • Sorting: Select the sort order of the data.

  • Totals: Display totals.

  • X-Axis: Configure the distance between bars, display or hide horizontal bars, display and configure values on the bars, and allow the labels to truncate.

  • Y-Axis: Configure the maximum and minimum percentage of the axis.

Box Plot
  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Legend: Display the legend and configure the settings.

  • Overrides: Change the series names and colors.

  • Ranking: Enable and configure the ranking criteria for the report.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Grid: Display the grid and select the line type.

  • Invert Axis: Display the x-axis on the left and the y-axis on the bottom.

  • Legend: Display the legend and configure the settings.

  • Overrides: Change the series names and colors.

  • Sorting: Select the sort order of the data.

Gantt None
  • Color Indicator: Select the color and range condition for the gauge indicator.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Labels: Add one or two labels to the gauge.

  • Conditional Formatting: Select the color for the KPI and set conditions.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Grid: Display the grid and select the line type.

  • Invert Axis: Display the x-axis on the left and the y-axis on the bottom.

  • Legend: Display the legend and configure the settings.

  • Line: Configure the line overlay.

  • Overrides: Change the series names and colors.

  • Sorting: Select the sort order of the data.

  • Totals: Display totals.

  • Y-Axis: Configure the maximum and minimum percentage of the axis.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Legend: Display the legend and configure the settings.

  • Ranking: Enable and configure the ranking criteria for the report.

  • Totals: Display totals.

  • X-Axis: Display and configure values on the bars and allow the labels to truncate.

  • Explode: Separate and configure the slices of the pie.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Labels: Add a label to the chart and configure the number type on the tooltip.

  • Legend: Display the legend and configure the settings.

  • Overrides: Change the series names and colors.

  • Ranking: Enable and configure the ranking criteria for the report.

  • Totals: Display totals.

  • Column Display: Select the columns to display on the table.

  • Column Width: Select the parameters that will determine the column width.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Group Columns: Enable column grouping.

  • Ranking: Enable and configure the ranking criteria for the report.

  • Rows per Page: Select the number of rows to display per page.

  • Totals and Subtotals: Display the total and/or subtotal columns and rename and change the color of the column.

  • Connect Ends: Enable outer connecting lines.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Grid: Display the grid and select the line type.

  • Legend: Display the legend and configure the settings.

  • Ranking: Enable and configure the ranking criteria for the report.

  • Shape: Select the shape of the chart.

  • Totals: Display totals.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Labels: Display the label and configure the alignment.

  • Ranking: Enable and configure the ranking criteria for the report.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Grid: Display the grid and select the line type.

  • Legend: Display the legend and configure the settings.

  • Series Display: Override the series names and colors, merge axis, etc.

  • Sorting: Select the sort order of the data.

  • Stack Type: Select the type of stack.

  • Totals: Display totals.

  • X-Axis: Display and configure values on the bars and allow the labels to truncate.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Column Display: Select the columns to display on the table.

  • Column Width: Select the parameters that will determine the column width.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Ranking: Enable and configure the ranking criteria for the report.

  • Rows per Page: Select the number of rows to display per page.

  • Totals and Subtotals: Display the total and/or subtotal columns and rename and change the color of the column.

  • Conditional Formatting: Set the conditions for the colors of the rectangles.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Ranking: Enable and configure the ranking criteria for the report.

  • Conditional Formatting: Set the color for positive, intermediate and negative values.

  • Format: Configure the numbers and week format.

  • Grid: Display the grid and select the line type.

  • Legend: Display the legend and configure the settings.

  • Overrides: Change the series names and colors.

  • Sorting: Select the sort order of the data.

  • Total Column: Display the total column and rename and configure the color of the column.

  • X-Axis: Display and configure values on the bars and allow the labels to truncate.

  • Y-Axis: Configure the maximum and minimum percentage of the axis.