Subscribe to a Dashboard

Subscribe yourself and other users to receive refreshed dashboard results by email on a schedule that you set.

  1. From an existing dashboard, click , Subscription and then Create. The Subscription dialog box displays.

  2. Complete the available fields as follows:

    • Email Subject: Type a subject for your subscription. The default is the dashboard name.

    • Charts Format: Images is the only available format and this field cannot be modified.

    • Tables & Pivot Format: Excel is the only available format and this field cannot be modified.

    • Schedule: Select one of the following to schedule when to send the dashboard:

      • Once: In the On field, select the send date and in the At field, select the time and click OK. After the dashboard is run, the subscription will be deleted.

      • Daily: In the Interval field, select one of the following:

        • Once Per Day and in the At field, select the time and click OK.

        • Every 12 Hours and in the From and To fields, select the times and click OK.

      • Weekly: Select one of the following to schedule when to send the dashboard:

        • Once Per Day: In the At field, select the send time and click OK. In the Days of Week field, select the day(s) of the week.

        • Every 12 Hours: In the From and To fields, select the times and click OK. In the Days of Week field, select the day(s) of the week.

      • Monthly: Select one of the following to schedule when to send the dashboard:

        • Day of every month: Select a specific date of the month.

        • Select First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last and select a day and time.

    • Type User Name, Email List or Email (outside your organization): Do one of the following:

      • Type and/or select the Analytics email recipient from the available list.

      • Type the email address for the email recipient(s) outside of Analytics.

  3. Click Save.