Adding Notification Message Thumbnail Image

When you submit a message to the Upland AccuRoute server, you can request a notification message that indicates whether your message was delivered successfully. After you send the message, the server will send you a notification message that is based on one of the following templates:

  • OMNotification-Failure.OMTPL

  • OMNotification-Success.OMTPL

Usually the notification message from the server contains the job ID for the message you sent. If you want to determine which message you sent, you must match the job ID in the notification message with the job ID of a message in the Sent Items section of the Web Client.

In this case, you might find it helpful to have a thumbnail image of the first page of your message—not the cover page but the first page of the message body. This can help you determine quickly which message the notification message describes.

For example, suppose you created a fax with a Microsoft Word document and a cover page. The thumbnail image would display the first page of the Microsoft Word document so that you can easily identify the fax you sent.

If you want a thumbnail image to appear in the notification message from the server, use the %PAGE1% or %FAX_PAGE1% variable where you want the thumbnail to appear.

Note: Important! This server supports the %PAGE1% variable only when the document delivery format is TIFF.

You should position the variable in the notification message where you want the thumbnail image to appear. The examples below would place the thumbnail image at the end of the notification message; however, you can place the variable anywhere in the notification template. See Thumbnail Image Examples below.

Note: It is recommended that you set a value that is greater than 40% for %FAX_PAGE1% variable (or %PAGE1% variable) when you customize the template. Otherwise, the notification thumbnail that is generated is unreadable as it is too small.  For information on the variables, see List of template variables (in alphabetical order).

Also note, when using a DOC or RTF file, the %FAX_PAGE1% variable must be in a text box to work. Adjusting the size of the text box controls the size of the thumbnail image.

Thumbnail Image Examples

OMNotification-Failure.OMTPL with a thumbnail image

The message you sent to %RECIP_NAME% at %DESTINATION% on %DATE_SUBMITTED% at %TIME_SUBMITTED% failed to be delivered for the following reason:


Journal: %JOURNAL%



OMNotification-Success.OMTPL with a thumbnail image

The message you sent to %RECIP_NAME% at %DESTINATION% was delivered successfully on %DATE_DELIVERED% at %TIME_DELIVERED%.



See also

About Notification Component

About Notification Messages

Customizing Notification Messages

About Notification Message Templates

Template Variables List

About Inbound Fax Message Notifications