Configuring Approval Properties for the Default User

Note: The Approval properties of a registered user apply to both the approval and review components. Since you can enable only one of these components on the Omtool server, the Approval settings apply only to the component you enabled—either approval or review.

To configure Approval properties for the default user:

  1. In the Approval of this user's faxes section, select Enabled to enable approval or review.

  2. Select Optional as specified by user if you want approval or review to be optional for this user. Select Required on all messages if you want approval or review to be mandatory for all outbound faxes from this user.

  3. In the Faxes may be approved by section, check the boxes next to the approval managers who can approve faxes sent by this user.

Tip: Before you can select approval managers for this user, you must register the approval managers in Registered Users—this will give the approval managers individual records in Registered Users and allow their names to appear in the list of approval managers.

  1. If you want the selected approval managers to receive a notification message from the Omtool server when the fax has been evaluated, select Send Approval Notification to selected approval managers.

This is recommended if you have multiple approval managers assigned to this user.