Configuring Queue Web App

You can configure the Queue Web App by completing the following configuration tasks in the order specified.

Note: The configuration tasks listed below are documented for the Desktop Queue (previously known as Image-In Queue) and can be used to configure the Queue Web App.

1. Activate Queue Licenses

You can activate the  licenses by using the Server Administrator Console > Licensing dialog box that appears when you right-click the server name. Contact your Account Manager for license information, if necessary.

Note: This is required. Close and reopen the Server Administrator Console and WebApps (if open in your browser) after activating the Queue licenses. The Queues node appears on the Server Administrator tree in the console and is available for configuration.

See Activating a license for more information.

2. Create a queue

You can create a queue by using the Queues node on the Server Administrator tree.

To create a queue

  1. Right-click Queues and select New > Queue on the shortcut menu. The Properties for Queue dialog box appears.
  2. Specify a queue name in the Name box.
  3. Specify or look up an email address by using the Ellipsis (...) button.
  4. Select the Destination tab and specify the Destination parameters, if necessary.
  5. Select the Properties tab and specify the Job Property parameters, if necessary.
  6. Select the Queue tab and specify the Queue parameters, if necessary.
  7. Select the Workflow tab and specify the Workflow parameters, if necessary.
  8. Select the Collections tab and specify the Collections parameters, if necessary.

3. Provide queue access to user groups

You can provide Queue and Queue Access to groups by using Configuration > Groups on the Server Administrator tree.

  • Select or create a new group.

  • Go to Clients > Queue and enable the appropriate parameters.

  • Go to Features > Queue Access and select the appropriate queues.

4. Create and index user job properties

You can create and index user job properties by using Configuration > Job Properties > User on the Server Administrator tree.

Note: These job properties are metadata  that queue users will apply to jobs in their respective queues. You can create  System or User  job properties.

  • Create a new user job property.

  • Specify General and Prompt UI parameters.

  • Index the job property in the Active Volume list.

Note: Job properties can be indexed by using other volume lists that are part of a workflow; for example, ObjectArchive Volume list.

5. Add user job properties to the queue, collections, groupings, and listing (columns in Grid view)

You can add user job properties to a queue’s properties and other parameters by using Queues on the Server Administrator tree. Click Queues and use the following Queue Properties tabs.

  • Add job properties to a queue’s properties by using the Properties tab.

  • Select the Collections > New Items > folder by using the Collections tab.

  • Add job properties to a queue’s Grouping folder by using the Groupings tab.

  • Add job properties to a queue’s listing which are the columns that appear in the grid for queue users by using the Listing tab.

What’s the difference between a Collection and a Grouping folder?

  • Collections - are default and/or custom folders set up by an Administrator. They contain jobs  at different levels of a workflow that require some type of interaction from a queue user. For example, the New Items default folder contains new jobs pending review in the Queue.

  • Groupings - are automatically generated Collections subfolders  configured as job properties by an administrator that represent  metadata used in a company; for example, Customer ID, Account Number, Client, and Matter to name a few.

6. Add the Queue Web App application to the WebApps Default profile

You can add the Queue Web App application to the WebApps Default profile by using WebApps on the Server Administrator tree. Click WebApps > Default > Applications and add the Queue Web application.

Note: A Queue rule and component are automatically generated. Ensure the rule and component appear in RuleSets > Default and Components on the Server Administrator Console.

7. Send a test message to the queue

You can send a test message to the queue and ensure that the Queue Web App is configured properly by using Messages and In Process on the Server Administrator tree. Right-click Messages > New > Test Message and specify the appropriate message details.

See also

About Queue Web App

Queue Web App in Action