How Approval Manager Works

You can have a message approved before the message is delivered to a recipient.

See a description of the Approval Manager process below.

  • The Approval Pendingcomponent holds the message while the Upland AccuRoute server sends an email notification message to Approval Managers. The message indicates that an outbound message is waiting for approval and contains a direct link to the message in the Web Client.

  • An Approval Manager follows the link to the message and looks at it.

  • The Approval Manager accepts or rejects the message. Optionally, he/she can provide comments for the sender.

  • If the Approval Manager approves the message, the server processes the message and delivers it to the intended recipient.

  • If the Approval Manager rejects the message, the server stops processing the message. The message is not delivered to the intended recipient.

  • In both cases, the server sends a notification to the message sender about the outcome. If the Approval Manager provided comments for the sender, this is included in the email notification message.

Note: Only one Approval Manager needs to look at the message and evaluate it.

Enabling approval

You can enable Approval in the Approval Manager component by using the Server Administrator > Components node.

To enable Approval in the Approval Manager component

  1. Start the Server Administrator.
    On the Start menu, click Upland AccuRoute > Upland AccuRoute Server Administrator.

  2. On the console, expand the Server Administrator tree.

  3. Select Components. The details pane lists the components in your server.

  4. Double-click the Approval Manager connector to open the Properties dialog box.

  5. Click Settings.

  6. Select Enabled.

  7. In Hold message for, type or select the number of hours the server must hold the outbound message for approval. If a message exceeds the number of hours, it expires and is moved to the History folder.

  8. Click OK.

Before Approval managers can approve messages, you must configure the approval permissions for the registered users. For instructions, see user properties.

See also

About Approval and Review Manager Components

How Review Manager Works