Recipients and Distribution Lists Variables

When you create cover page templates, you can use any combination of variables to display data. When the server composes a message for delivery, it replaces the variables with actual data. For example, if you use %RECIP_NAME% as a variable, then the server replaces this value with "John Smith", the name of the recipient, when preparing the message for delivery.

There are two types of variables you can use to display data about recipients of a fax:

  • Recipient variables - Recipient variables display data about the recipient of the fax. This type of variable is dynamic, meaning that the data displayed to the recipient is specific to each recipient. An example of a recipient variable is %RECIP_NAME%.

  • Distribution list variables - Distribution list variables display data about recipients of the fax. This type of variable is static, meaning that the data displayed to the recipient is the same for all recipients of the message. When you create cover pages using distribution list variables, you must specify the recipient in the variable. An example of a distribution list variable is %TO_NAME.2% where 2 is the second recipient listed in the To field.

Example of recipient variable use

You send a fax message with the cover page containing the variable %RECIP_NAME% to recipients Jane and Mary. When Jane receives the fax, the cover page displays her name - Jane. When Mary receives the message, the cover page displays her name Mary.  

Example of distribution list variable use

You send a fax message to multiple recipients with a cover page containing the variables %TO_NAME.1% and %TO_COMPANY.1% where 1 corresponds to the first recipient (Jane Walsh) listed in the To field. When recipients receive the fax, the cover page displays the name (Jane Walsh) and company name (Omtool, Ltd.) of the first recipient in the To field. All recipients of the fax have "Jane Walsh" and "Omtool, Ltd." on their cover pages.

Note: Because recipients in the BCC field are blind carbon copy recipients, any data pertaining to them does not appear on e-mail systems that support the BCC feature. Therefore, you cannot use cover page template variables that display information about BCC recipients.

See also

Guidelines for Using Variables in Cover Page Templates

List of Template Variables (in alphabetical order)