SMTP Connector One-off Address Format

When you send a message to the Upland AccuRoute Server, either from an SMTP email client or a networking scanning device, you must use a qualified SMTP connector address format so that your outbound message reaches the server.

Note: When an outbound message reaches the server, the Dispatch component normalizes the destination address before the server applies routing rules to the message and processes it for delivery. Therefore, if you're creating an outbound routing rule to capture messages with the destination of "AccuRoute" (or something similar), the Dispatch component will normalize this destination to "22287689".

You can use any of the following formats.

  • WINS name - uses the WINS computer name of the server.

    destination@[server name].

    If the server's WINS name is Mercury, the address format is destination@mercury.

    Examples: accuroute@mercury and 6038901957@mercury

  • DNS name - uses the fully-qualified DNS address of the server.

    destination@[server name].[company domain name].[domain type]

    If the server's DNS name is Hercules, your company's domain name is MyCompany, and the domain type is .com, the address format is

    Examples: and

  • IP Address - uses the IP address of the server.

    destination@[IP address]

    If the server's IP address is 123.456.789.012, the address format is destination@123.456.789.012

    Examples: accuroute@123.456.789.012 and 6038901957@123.456.789.012

Note: If your company has remote sites connected via the Internet, and if users at those sites need to access the server, then your company's DNS and/or e-mail server(s) must be configured to relay messages originating from the DNS address of the remote site to the server. Users at the remote sites can then use the DNS address format described above to send outbound messages (destination@[server name].[company domain name].[domain type]).

See also

About SMTP Connector

Sending SMTP Connector Outbound Messages

Adding a SMTP Connector

Configuring SMTP Connector DID/DTMF Lookup

Additional SMTP Connector Server Lookup Configurations

Configuring SMTP Connector Default Recipient Type and Outbound Rules