Configuring Exchange Connector DID/DTMF Lookup

You can configure Exchange connector DID/DTMF lookup by using the Server Administrator > Connectors node.

To configure DID/DTMF lookup

  1. Start the Server Administrator.
    On the Start menu, click Upland AccuRoute > Upland AccuRoute Server Administrator.

  2. On the console, expand the Server Administrator tree.

  3. Click Connectors. The Connectors are listed in the details pane.

  4. Click Exchange connector to open the Properties dialog box.

  5. Click DID/DTMF and then click Add. The LDAP Properties dialog box appears.

  6. Configure the following:

    • In the Server Address text box, type the name of the LDAP server.

    • In the Port text box, type the port number. Standard port numbers are 389 (LDAP), 636 (secure LDAP), and 3268 (Active Directory).

    • In the Description text box, type a description for this search base.

  7. Configure the following in the Logon section:

    • Select User if you want to log on to the lookup server as a specific user. (The default setting is Anonymous. Note that Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2000 do not support anonymous lookups.)

    • Type the name of the user in the Username text box.

    • Type the password for this user in the Password text box.

Note: If the Username field contains a user ID formatted using the Active Directory logon format (for example,, lookups in this search base should be successful with no additional configuration. If the Username field contains a user ID in any other format (for example, domain\user), select Bind using Windows generic security services.

  1. Click Search.

  2. Configure the following in the General section:

    •  In the Search Timeout text box, type the number of hours the server should wait when looking up an ID before timing out. Consider the scope of your search base when you configure the Search Timeout setting. For example, when the search base is broad, you should configure a longer Search Timeout setting since the lookup might take a relatively longer amount of time.

    • In the Search Base text box, type the search base string. Use LDAP format when you type the search base string (for example: ou=mysite,

Note: The timeout setting on your lookup server should be longer than the Search Timeout setting for the connector.

  1. Configure the Search Filter section.

    • If you want to use a simple filter, select Use simple filter option.

    • Select Wildcard match ending on received DID/DTMF if you want the search filter to match all received DID or DTMF numbers, or select Match last [ ] digits of received DID/DTMF and type a number in the spin box if you want the search filter to match only the specified number of digits at the end of the DID or DTMF string.

    • Select Return people only if you want the query to return only users associated with this connector. This option will exclude printers, computers, and other resources from the search results.

    • Select an option from the Attribute holding fax number drop-down list. The option you select is the field in the database that the connector queries.

  2. If you want to use a custom filter, select Use custom filter and click Properties. The Custom LDAP Filter dialog box appears.

  3. Type the custom search filter in the Filter text box. (Use the guidelines provided in the Custom LDAP Filter dialog box.)

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Filter section, click Test. The Lookup Test dialog box appears.

  6. Type the DID or DTMF number in the text box and click Search. View the results of the query.

  7. Click Close.

  8. Click OK and then click OK again to save your changes.

Tip: Upland AccuRoute recommends that you configure the lookup database to index the field containing DID numbers. This optimizes the speed of lookups.

See also

About Exchange Connector Sender Lookup

Additional Exchange Connector Lookup Configuration