Configuring Summation Web Integration Environment

Several files are used when you install the Upland AccuRoute Summation Add-on Client. Edit the following configuration files before installing the Summation Add-on Client.

  • Configuration.xml file

  • Registered User settings in the Server Administrator

Editing the configuration.xml file

To edit the configuration.xml file

  1. Navigate to the C:\ProgramFiles\Omtool\AccuRouteweb\Configuration\View.default.xml.

  2. Using Notepad, open the View.default.xml file.

  3. Find the section:
    <Tag type="messages" label="Messages" visible="true" default="true" ...>

  4. Modify the following values:
    visible="false" default="false"

  5. Find the section:
    <Tab type="ed" label="Distributions" visible="true" default="false" ...>

  6. Modify the following values:
    visible="true" default="true"

  7. Save and close the file.

Note: If the messages are hidden, then no other user of the Web Client can see them. Therefore, if you need both Inbox feature as well as summation and you plan to use both, then you should not hide messages.

Editing registered users in the AccuRoute Server Administrator

To edit registered users

  1. Start the Server Administrator.
    On the Start menu, click Upland AccuRoute > Upland AccuRoute Server Administrator.

  2. Right-click Registered Users on the Server Administrator tree and select User Defaults.

  3. Click the Approval tab. Clear This user can approve faxes.

  4. Click the Web Client tab. Clear Allow user to send faxes using the Omtool Web Client.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Repeat the above steps for all individual registered users.

Installing the AccuRoute Summation Add-on Client

The AccuRoute Summation Add-on client adds the AccuRoute HTML page to Summation iBlaze.

Note: Install the Omtool Summation Add On Client on every workstation integrating with AccuRoute.

To install the AccuRoute Summation Add-on Client

  1. From every workstation that runs Summation, connect to the AccuRoute Server and navigate to \\Omtool\OmtoolServer\Clients\SummationAddOn.

  2. Double-click AccuRouteAddOnInstall.exe. The Summation iBlaze splash screen opens.

  3. Wait for the splash screen to close. Installation is complete.

Adding AccuRoute to Summation iBlaze

Before you can access the AccuRoute HTML page, you must add it to every case that exists in Summation iBlaze.

To add the AccuRoute HTML page to a case

  1. Open the iBlaze Client.

  2. From the toolbar menu, select Script >Manage Script Add-ons.

  3. Select AccuRoute and click Add (>>).

  4. Click OK.

  5. Confirm the installation by clicking the AccuRoute tab. If the installation was successful, you will see the Web Client on this page.

  6. Close Summation iBlaze.

See also

About Summation Connector

Required Summation Connector Configurations

Adding a Summation Connector

Using Summation iBlaze