Login History

The login history page contains a back-dated record of every login to your Adestra account. This provides some oversight on your account usage, and can be beneficial for security purposes, allowing you to identify who is accessing your account at any point.

You can access the login history via the 'Admin' tab in the header bar at the top of the screen, then the 'Login History' tab.

Each login record lists the name, username, email, IP address, and the date and time. It also indicates which version of Adestra the user logged into; displaying 'Yes' or 'No in the 'New Version' column.

The date selector will default to 'All time', but you can refine the date range using the drop-down box to show the login history for different time periods.

You can also see the login in history for individual users by clicking the Users tab, selecting the particular user, and then selecting the Login History tab.