Adding List Stages

Within the automation program builder, use the lists menu to automate adding contacts to lists, removing contacts from lists, adding contacts to unsub lists, and removing contacts from unsub lists.

Adding an add to list stage

  1. Drag the add to list stage from the lists menu to the canvas.

  2. Select the stage on the canvas to open the editor pane.

  3. In the editor pane, press the select list button to open a popup window with your available lists.

  4. Select the list to which contacts arriving at this stage are to be added.

    Tip: nothing happens to contacts already on the list, i.e. their list status is unchanged.
  5. Press the save draft button to save without publishing your automation program.

  6. When you are ready to publish your program, press the publish program button.

    Note: the campaign must be published for the stage to be valid.

Adding a remove from list stage

  1. Drag the remove from list stage from the lists menu to the canvas.

  2. Select the stage on the canvas to open the editor pane.

  3. In the editor pane, press the select list button to open a popup window with your available lists.

  4. Select the list from which contacts arriving at this stage are to be removed.

    Tip: nothing happens to contacts not on the list, i.e. their list status is unchanged.
  5. Press the save draft button to save without publishing your automation program.

  6. When you are ready to publish your program, press the publish program button.

    Note: the campaign must be published for the stage to be valid.

Adding an add to unsub list stage

  1. Drag the add to unsubscribe list stage from the lists menu to the canvas.

  2. Select the stage on the canvas to open the editor pane.

  3. In the editor pane, press the select unsubscribe list button to open a popup window with your available unsubscribe lists.

  4. Select the list to which contacts arriving at this stage are to be added.

    Tip: nothing happens to contacts already on the list, i.e. their list status is unchanged.
  5. Press the save draft button to save without publishing your automation program.

  6. When you are ready to publish your program, press the publish program button.

    Note: the campaign must be published for the stage to be valid.

Adding a remove from unsub list stage

  1. Drag the remove from unsubscribe list stage from the lists menu to the canvas.

  2. Select the stage on the canvas to open the editor pane.

  3. In the editor pane, press the select unsubscribe list button to open a popup window with your available unsubscribe lists.

  4. Select the list from which contacts arriving at this stage are to be removed.

    Tip: nothing happens to contacts not on the list, i.e. their list status is unchanged.
  5. Press the save draft button to save without publishing your automation program.

  6. When you are ready to publish your program, press the publish program button.

    Note: the campaign must be published for the stage to be valid.