Approvals Tab

The approvals tab displays a record of all approval requests for the current campaign and whether they triggered a launch or not. This provides you with a full record of all replies and the outcome of any approval requests to refer back to.

On this page:

Approval Tab Record Table

Within the approval tab, the record table will contain the user who sent the request, the request date and basic approval activity. You can identify an approval request and whether it has been opened, approved and launched as an outcome.

Open Approval Request

Clicking the approval request date will take you to the individual request, displaying the current status of your approval, approval details, approval users and their responses.


Here will be a summary of the current status of your approval, displaying the total number of approvals, rejections and the current status. The status will either be open or closed, if closed the outcome will be shown in brackets.

Approval details

The approval details list additional information regarding approval settings, this includes the required threshold and whether the campaign will be launched automatically or not. Also listed will be the approval request date and who sent the request.


This table displays records of each approval response, which includes who has responded, the date of response and the outcome. It will indicate whether the user approved or rejected the request and any notes added to the request will also be displayed.

Approval Users

This table will show a list of all approval users that your campaign had been sent to for approval, this includes name and email address.