Data Tables

Data tables act as an extension of your Core table, as a useful way to organise additional fields that aren't necessarily relevant to all of your data. You can include information that only relates to portions of your data, which can help prevent your core table from becoming over-large and unmanageable.

On this page:

Additional Pages

Accessing Data Tables

You can access data tables in the 'Data' section via the header at the top of the screen, and then using the 'Data Tables' tab.

If you are an admin user or data admin user, you can Manage Data Tables. Non-admin users are able to see and use data tables, for example for data exports, but cannot create or edit them.

This page displays the data table list, including each table's name and contact count.

You can select an existing data table by clicking on its name, which will take you to the data table overview.


The data table overview displays the details for the data table.


The lower half of the overview lists any fields the data table contains. The fields in a table relate to the information in your contact records, and each field is assigned a field type, which can be useful to identify the field's contents regardless of its name.

This section also shows whether or not any fields are protected.

Manage Data Tables

If you are an admin or account admin user, press the 'Create Data Table' link to create a new table.

You can edit an existing data table by clicking on its name.

Note: Once a data table has been created, it cannot be deleted, so it is important to make sure it is set up correctly. If you need help at any stage, contact your account manager or Adestra Customer Support (

Create Data Tables

Table name

The table name is used throughout the system to refer to your table.


The description is an optional field that can contain any additional details or information about the table you like.


The owner of the data table will default to your user but you can change this using the 'Select User' button.

List Data

Selecting the 'List Data' option will create this table as a List Data Table.


The visibility of a data table determines where in the account it can be used. You can restrict the table to only be available in the current workspace, or you can make it available within all workspaces.

Table Fields

You can add your own fields, for example name, address etc, by clicking the 'Add New Field' button, which will create a new field underneath any existing fields for you to define.

Note: The order in which the fields are added here is the order in which they will appear throughout the system, so make sure they are correct before saving.


The field name will initially be blank for you to enter a name and it can be useful later, for example with data exports, if field names match CSV column headers.


The field type will default to 'Text' but this can be changed using the drop-down box to select a different type.


You can also mark individual fields as Protected. This can later be removed if necessary.

Clicking Save will create the data table.

Edit Data Tables

You can edit a data table using the 'Settings' page, which displays a form where you can change the basic details of the data table, including the name, description and owner.

You have the option to add, edit or remove fields; however, any changes you make here can affect the system elsewhere, if the table is in use. For example, if you have data exports scheduled using fields from the data table. Before you make any significant changes, contact your account manager or Adestra Customer Support (


Applicable to both data tables and list data tables:

Can I delete data tables?

No, it is not possible to delete data tables. If you need help organising your account, contact your account manager or Adestra Customer Support (

How many data tables can I create?

You can create as many data tables as you need, however if you think you need to create a significant number, contact Adestra Customer Support (

How many fields can a data table contain?

Data tables can contain up to approximately 100 fields, however tables this large could potentially be slow or cause problems due to their size.

Is there a character limit to the field contents?

Yes, all fields are limited to 255 characters, the only exception being 'Large Text' fields, which have a limit of 9,999 characters.

Can I rearrange the order of the fields in data tables?

No, the data table fields cannot be rearranged, they will appear in the order in which they were added.

Can I change the workspace a data table is assigned to?

If the visibility of the data table is set to a specific workspace, you have the option to change it to be available in all workspaces.

Note: Once you have changed the visibility to all workspaces, this cannot be reversed.