Applying Conditional Content

By clicking the Conditional Content button, you will be able to add IF/ELSE conditionals, based on lists and/or fields. This allows you to serve different content depending on whether the conditions are met or not.

By clicking the blue text you can configure your condition. After clicking, you will be shown a pop-up to define your IF condition—whether 'In List' or 'Field'.

Depending on what the data source is, your condition options will change.

  • Duplicate Condition - once a first condition is set, you can duplicate the condition to keep the same field path

  • Edit Condition - edit the condition's data source and what it needs to check against

  • Delete Condition - delete the single condition

  • Add Condition - add a new condition

  • Remove All Conditions - will prompt you to agree to deleting all conditions for that tag

In List

If you choose a list as your data source, all you need to do is select your desired list.


If you choose a field as your data source. You need to select which field is being used, what condition is being checked against.

  • equals: exact match to characters given

  • contains: contains the given string of characters

  • is less than: number is less than the number here

  • is greater than: number is greater than the number here

  • begins with: text field is prefixed with the entered characters string

  • ends with: text field is suffixed with the entered characters string

  • is empty: field has nothing in it

  • is not empty: field has something in it

Toggling Conditions

After choosing your conditions you're ready to create different content. The green tick shows you which condition you're editing for that region. Conditions must be configured before its content can be edited.

Toggling between the conditions will show you the different content for that region.

You can delete conditions at any time by clicking the bin icon.

Applied Conditional Content

When conditional content is applied to a region, it will be highlighted to raise awareness of it.

Note: A notification will appear in the campaign overview once Conditional Content is applied, to make you aware that it is in the campaign message.