Adding to Personas

Adestra uses an algorithm to automatically add recipients to personas based on engagement behaviour.

Should you wish to manually add a recipient to a persona, because you know enough about an audience and do not need to wait for the algorithm to allocate them to a persona organically, you can do so using the data viewer.

  1. Open the core table containing the recipients you wish to assign to a persona.

  2. Select the Browse tab.

  3. Select the recipients to assign using the checkboxes next to their ID.

  4. Press the Add to Persona button in the header menu that appears when you select a contact.

  5. In the persona selection window, select a persona group. Use the arrows to scroll through the groups if needed.

  6. From your persona group, select a persona.

  7. Press the Okay button.

Note: if a contact is in a persona already, then they will be moved to the newly selected persona.