Email Clients Report

The email client detection report shows the email clients used by recipients to open and interact with your campaigns. An email may display differently across different email clients, web browsers and mobile devices, so understanding which clients your recipients use to view your campaigns can help you target your email design to achieve the best results.

On this page:

Basic Settings

In order for the recipients' email clients to be detected, campaigns must have open tracking selected in the campaign options, contain HTML content, and images must be enabled by the recipient.

Report Tabs

The Email Clients Report is broken down into five separate pages:


The overview tab gives a breakdown of the overall client detection for a campaign.

General Stats

The reporting at the very top shows the subject line, the total number of attempted launches, and then number of campaigns delivered, opened and clicked.

Note: This is shown at the top of each tab.


The second section shows the number of contacts that have opened in clients that hits can be detected with, also known as detectable contacts. This, therefore, may differ to the total opens stated above.

Total hits are stated below the contact number. Hits are the number of times an email was interacted with, whether it was the same contact or not. E.G. Person A can open an email in Outlook three times and once on their phone, this will count as one open but four hits.

Aggregated Client Stats

The number of detected opens is then split further into devices: desktop, mobile and webmail. This may not match the 'Contacts' number as contacts may open the email in different clients.

Underneath these statistics is further reporting: the percentage of Contacts who opened using the client, the number of hits with that client and the percentage of hits in relation to the hits total.

Most Popular Email Clients

The third pie chart represents the list of the ten most popular clients.

These are listed next to:

  • Their associated colour on the pie chart
  • Total hits with that client
  • The number of contacts who used the client and percentage in relation to total contacts

You can click the 'More...' link to expand the screen to display any additional clients and more details can be found in the desktop and webmail pages.

If there are any hits from clients that couldn't be identified, these are listed as 'Other'.

Some email clients display images by default, for example; Yahoo, Apple Mail, Outlook Express, and iPhones and iPads, and therefore may have a higher number of hits than other clients.


The desktop tab shows the statistics for contact interaction from different desktop clients. Beneath the general number of contacts opening the campaign using a desktop is its percentage in relation to the total number of detectable contacts, the total number of hits on desktop clients and its percentage in relation to the total number of hits.

Desktop Clients

This lists the detected clients, displaying:

  • The client's associated colour on the pie chart
  • The number of hits it accounts for
  • The number of contacts responsible for the hits (and percentage of those contacts in relation to detectable contacts

The separate versions of Outlook are differentiated, as emails are rendered significantly differently in each version.

Desktop Client Detail

The lower part of the page details the total number of contacts for a certain client and the different versions used to interact with the campaign.


The webmail tab shows the statistics for hits from different webmail services, and clients that are internet based such as Gmail and Hotmail. Beneath the general number of contacts opening the campaign using a webmail client is its percentage in relation to the total number of detectable contacts, the total number of hits on webmail clients and its percentage in relation to the total number of hits.

Webmail Service

This lists the detected clients, displaying:

  • The client's associated colour on the pie chart
  • The number of hits it accounts for
  • The number of contacts responsible for the hits (and percentage of those contacts in relation to detectable contacts

Web Browsers

This lists the detected browsers being used to interact with the webmail service, displaying:

  • The browser's associated colour on the pie chart
  • The number of hits it accounts for
  • The number of contacts responsible for the hits (and percentage of those contacts in relation to detectable contacts

Webmail Service Detail

The lower part of the page details the total number of contacts for a certain client and the different web browsers used to interact with the campaign.


The mobile tab shows the number of contacts who have used mobile devices to view your campaign. Beneath the general number of contacts opening the campaign using a mobile client device is its percentage in relation to the total number of detectable contacts, the total number of hits on mobile devices and its percentage in relation to the total number of hits.

Mobile Device

This lists the detected mobile devices, displaying:

  • The client's associated colour on the pie chart
  • The number of hits it accounts for
  • The number of contacts responsible for the hits (and percentage of those contacts in relation to detectable contacts

Hand-held devices typically have small screen sizes, so if the report indicates that you have a high percentage of recipients using mobiles to view your campaigns, it might be beneficial to do some testing in regards to email design for smaller screens.

Note: If a recipient uses a web browser to view your email on their mobile device, this will be counted as a webmail hit, not a mobile hit.


The hits tab shows all of the hits for the campaign.

The table displays the email client and the version when available, however it will only show which browser was used for webmail client hits.


Why are all the contact numbers not adding up?

It is often the case that the number of device opens, is more than the number of contacts, and the number of client opens is greater still. This is because one contact can open in multiple devices and multiple clients.

For example: Contact A has opened your email. This will show as 1 contact in the Contacts number.

However, they may have opened it on their desktop and on a mobile device. So they will show up in both these devices in the Aggregated Client Stats.

On mobile devices they could then have opened your email on both their iPad and their iPhone, which are two separate clients. So they would show up three times in the Most Popular Email Clients reporting.

This results in a contact being shown once in contacts, twice in aggregated clients and three times in the most popular clients reporting.