Coaching Opportunities

Learning Objectives

After completing this topic, you’ll be able to:

  • Mark an opportunity for attention or Test & Improve
  • Add an action to an opportunity
  • Post a comment to the opportunity Chatter feed
  • Edit the opportunity's details


In the previous topic, Tony Webster focused on one of Lynn Benfield's opportunities and looked at the information provided by TeamView.

This gave him a sense of the state of the opportunity right now, and what might prevent it from moving from Upside to Commit status in the current quarter.

From what he saw, Tony realized that Lynn needed coaching to advance her deal.

So he marks the opportunity for attention at the next team meeting. (He's also marked it as a key deal and as needing a Test & Improve.)


While he's doing this, he can add notes. These will be useful when he's talking about the opportunity at the meeting.


Tony plans to help Lynn by leveraging one of his supporters at MyHealth, and he notes this when he flags the opportunity for attention.

He selects Add Action in the drop-down menu on the right-hand side, and adds a suitable action to the opportunity.


Later, during their one-on-one meeting, at Tony's suggestion Lynn uses TeamView's integration with Chatter to reach out to her colleague Sepp Mansell, who won a similar deal a while back.

With the help she receives from both Tony and Sepp, Lynn succeeds in progressing the opportunity.

Now she wants to update the forecast category from Upside to Commit. She selects the Edit option and makes these edits to the opportunity directly from TeamView.


Tony has used TeamView to coach Lynn and collaborate with his team.

Try It Yourself

In the previous topic, we suggested that you focus on a set of opportunities and use TeamView to flag which deals need attention and coaching. Why not return to TeamView now and use it to collaborate with your team and coach the deals that need your guidance? You can:

  • Mark an opportunity for attention or Test & Improve
  • Add an action to an opportunity
  • Post a comment to the opportunity Chatter feed
  • Edit the opportunity's details