Test & Improve Presentation: Recommended Talking Points for Account Manager Plans

This table summarizes Altify's recommended talking points when you're presenting your account plan to reviewers during a Test & Improve.


#TopicsPlan SectionDuration (approximate)Talking Points
1At a high level, provide current status of the customer’s business and your success with the account.Plan Details2 minutes
  • Customer profile: Describe the customer’s business, how they're performing, their growth plans, and the current state of executive and strategic relationships.
  • Customer success: Describe the customer’s purchase history, overall customer health and level of satisfaction, the current state of active projects, and business impact realization.
2Where you want to take the account and point out potential barriers.Plan Details5 minutes
  • Goal and growth strategies: Present your account goal, your growth strategies, and the barriers and risks that affect the strategies.
3Summarize total account revenue and pipeline. Opportunity Map2 minutes
  • Use top line to summarize your current position to plan target: the dollar value and unit quantity value of potential, current and won opportunities.
4Target account focus.Opportunity Map10 minutes
5Our account team’s objectives.Objectives3 minutes
  • Present the team’s high-priority objectives.
6Finish your presentation with your "asks".Plan Details3 minutes
  • Explain what your requests are of the audience. ("Here’s where I need help".)
  • Required investments.