Start an Enterprise Account Manager Plan

Learning Objective

After completing this topic, you’ll be able to:

  • Set the plan type for your Account Manager plan
  • Add revenue team members who will contribute to your Account Manager plan
  • Add and remove accounts on your Account Manager plan
  • Select solutions to include in the Account Manager plan
  • Define the revenue target for a specific plan period

In the previous topic, we saw how Lynn Benfield, an account executive at Riley Retail Solutions, is starting a new Account Manager plan for a company called Oriole Med.

She's gathered the basic information she'll need for plan setup:

  • Plan Type: It's an Enterprise Account Manager plan.
  • Team: The revenue team supporting the plan are: Jane Anderson, Tony Webster, and Leonard Page.
  • Account Structure: There's a roll up for the Oriole Med child accounts MyHealth and Oriole Health & Fitness. Lynn will add a shared services division of Oriole Med to the roll up. She will create three divisions for the Oriole Health & Fitness account, and a child roll up will be required to group these divisions and their parent account. In addition, the plan also includes a standalone Oriole Laboratories account outside of the Oriole Med account structure.
  • Solutions: Several of Riley Retail Solutions's solutions will be included in the plan: Z-500 Hardware, Z-Series POS Software, Maintenance 2Yrs, and Enablement Program.
  • Revenue Targets: She’ll set up two plan periods to track revenue from Oriole Med. The revenue for the current fiscal year is $300,000. The revenue target for the second period is not yet known.

This topic goes through the initial plan setup process step by step .

In Account Manager, Lynn clicks New on the Altify Account Manager Plans page.

The setup wizard opens. On each page of the wizard she'll specify some of the basic details set out above.

The progress bar at the top of the wizard shows her where she is in the setup process.

Plan Type and Plan Name

First is the General page, where Lynn specifies the plan type and the plan name.

Lynn's company has provided a plan type called Enterprise Account which is designed to help a salesperson plan for a large enterprise customer. For example, it adds questions to the account plan's Plan Details tab that help Lynn to assess the enterprise effectively.

Lynn selects Enterprise Account in the Plan Type drop-down list.

Then she names the plan in accordance with the format used by her company.

She clicks Next to proceed to the Team page.


As the plan's owner, Lynn is already listed as a team member.

Lynn clicks Add Member to search for and select the other team members.

Then she sets the level of access for each member:

  • Can View & Edit allows the team member to make changes in the plan, such as updating an objective or the opportunity map.
  • Can View is suitable for a team member who only needs to be able to view the plan.


She chooses a Chatter group where all team members can post news about the account and see automatic notifications whenever the plan is updated.

She clicks Next to proceed to the Account Structure page.

Account Structure

Lynn is ready to add accounts to the plan.

She wants a row in her opportunity map that sub-totals the opportunities associated with the accounts belonging to parent account Oriole Med, so she clicks Add Roll Up Row to get started.

Naming her roll up ‘Oriole Med’, she clicks the ellipsis button to begin adding accounts.

On the Add Account Row window, Lynn searches for ‘Oriole’ and selects MyHealth from the Oriole Med account structure. She won't include Oriole Health & Fitness yet as she wants to group that account with its divisions in a child roll up row.

She clicks the Add to the plan (1) button to add the selected account to the plan.

From the desired account plan structure above, Lynn has so far configured these accounts in her plan:

  • Oriole Med [roll up]
    • MyHealth

Next, Lynn wants to the Oriole Shared Services division to the Oriole Med roll up. This time she selects Add Division Row in the roll up ellipsis menu.

On the Add Division Row window, Lynn searches for ‘Oriole’ and selects Oriole Shared Services before clicking the Add to the plan (1) button.

Her account structure now looks like this:

  • Oriole Med [roll up]
    • MyHealth
    • Oriole Shared Services [division]

Now, Lynn wants to another roll up within the Oriole Med roll up. This child roll up will allow her to see a sub total of opportunities belonging to the Oriole Health & Fitness account and its divisions. This sub total will be included in the values that are displayed on the Oriole Med parent roll up.

To do this, she selects Add Roll Up Row in the roll up ellipsis menu.

Naming her child roll up 'Oriole Health & Fitness', she proceeds to add the Oriole Health & Fitness account and divisions using the ellipsis menu.

After adding the Oriole Health & Fitness account row, Lynn needs to create a division for each of the business units that are associated with the account. On the Add Division Row dialog, she searches for the Oriole Health & Fitness account (switching the search filter to Account Name - 1) and clicks the Create Division text (2) to create each of the three divisions: Food & Nutrition Outlets, Health & Wellness Clinics and Fitness Centers.

She clicks the Add to the plan (3) button to return the Account Structure tab. Her account structure now looks like this:

  • Oriole Med [roll up]
    • MyHealth
    • Oriole Shared Services [division]
    • Oriole Health & Fitness [roll up]
      • Oriole Health & Fitness
      • Food & Nutrition Outlets [division]
      • Health & Wellness Clinics [division]
      • Fitness Centers [division]

She’s added everything she needs to add to her roll up and a little housekeeping is in order. Lynn can drag and drop her accounts and divisions so that her opportunity map will have a more logical layout. She clicks the Oriole Shared Services division, and drags it under Oriole Med.

Satisfied with the look of her roll up, Lynn proceeds to add Oriole Laboratories as a standalone account in her account plan. It will not be included in the subtotal displayed on the Oriole Med row on the opportunity map.

She clicks the Add Account Row button.

On the Add Account Row window, Lynn searches for the account ‘Laboratories’. She selects the account Oriole Laboratories and notices a duplicate account in the search results: Medical Laboratories (Oriole Group).

It may have opportunities that need to be included in her opportunity map. She doesn’t select it however, as she does not want duplicate account rows in her opportunity map. This is a job for the Group Accounts function so she clicks Add to the plan (1) and returns to the Account Structure tab.

To fix the issue of the duplicate account, she clicks the Group Accounts button for the Oriole Laboratories account.

On the Group account window, she searches again for ‘Laboratories’ and selects Medical Laboratories (Oriole Group) before clicking the Save group (1) button.

Opportunities belonging to the duplicate account can now be searched and imported on the Oriole Laboratories row of the opportunity map.

The Account Manager plan structure is now complete:

  • Oriole Med [roll up]
    • Oriole Shared Services [division]
    • MyHealth
    • Oriole Health & Fitness [roll up]
      • Oriole Health & Fitness
      • Food & Nutrition Outlets [division]
      • Health & Wellness Clinics [division]
      • Fitness Centers [division]
  • Oriole Laboratories

Lynn and her account team will be focusing on MyHealth and Oriole Health & Fitness to begin with. So Lynn switches on the target icon for both.

She clicks Next to proceed to the Solutions page.


Here, Lynn adds the solutions she’s recently sold to MyHealth, and the additional solutions she'd like Oriole Med subsidiaries to buy in the future.

She drags each solution across to the Selected panel, and clicks the Target icon next to each solution that's strategic or will require the team's focus.

She then drags these targeted solutions to the top of the list so that on the plan's opportunity map these solutions will be the leftmost columns.

She clicks Next to proceed to the Targets page.


Lynn sets up two periods to monitor the revenue in her account plan, one for the current fiscal year, and the second for next year.

Her revenue target for the current year is $300,000.

As yet, Lynn doesn't know what the revenue target is for the second plan period. So she’ll leave that target blank for now. She'll specify it later, after her team has done some additional account research.


Lynn has now finished specifying all the basic details of the new account plan.

She clicks Finish to create the new Account Manager plan.

She can optionally send a Chatter notification to the team, telling them that the plan has been created.

Try It Yourself

Why not try setting up an Enterprise Account Manager plan? You can:

  • Set the plan type
  • Add revenue team members
  • Create a roll up with accounts and divisions

  • Add a standalone account to your plan structure

  • Group some duplicate accounts on a single row

  • Select solutions to include in the plan
  • Define the revenue target for a specific plan period


Watch the following videos for more information: