Understanding the Plan

Learning Objectives

After completing this topic, you’ll be able to:

  • Start a Test & Improve as presenter
  • Join a Test & Improve as a reviewer
  • Describe how a Test & Improve reviewer selects their assigned role to guide their perspective
  • Present an opportunity plan
  • Ask clarifying questions to understand the plan


When the time comes to start the Test & Improve, Lynn opens the opportunity's Test & Improve tab, clicks the scheduled Test & Improve, and enters it as presenter.

The other invitees enter as reviewers. This includes Leonard Page, the person designated to be the meeting's facilitator/coach.

Leonard reminds each reviewer of the role that Lynn has chosen for them. He asks them to select their role in the right-hand panel's Roles tab.

When each reviewer does this, they see advice about the perspective they should take during the meeting.


The first phase of the meeting is for the reviewers to understand the plan.

Leonard reminds them that they should allow Lynn to make the presentation without interruption, keeping any questions or other contributions until the correct stage of the meeting.

Lynn presents her MyHealth opportunity. The reviewers pay attention to her presentation of the opportunity.

When Lynn finishes, the reviewers can ask their clarifying questions.


Asking Questions

When Lynn is finished presenting the opportunity, Leonard clicks the Questions chevron to advance the Test & Improve to the next stage.


He directs everyone to add their clarifying questions to the feed if they haven't already done so.

The feed is one of the tabs in the right-hand panel. The reviewer clicks the Questions button to post a question.

These questions should be concise and aimed at making everyone's understanding of the plan clearer.

A reviewer can like a question posted by someone else. This is a good way for everyone to see which questions are on more than one person's mind.



Leonard facilitates the process of Lynn answering people's questions. The recommended approach is to take each reviewer in turn, dealing with their questions from the feed, and then moving onto the next reviewer.

Leonard selects Mark as Answered for each question that Lynn answers. This way, she can come back to follow up on any of the unanswered questions.

When all questions have been addressed, and everyone understands the plan, the group is ready to move to the second phase of the Test & Improve.

Try It Yourself

In the previous topic, we suggested that you preview a scheduled Test & Improve. When the time for that Test & Improve arrives, you can:

  • Start the Test & Improve as presenter
  • Present the opportunity

Each Test & Improve reviewer can:

  • Select their assigned role to guide their perspective when they're listening to your presentation
  • Ask clarifying questions to understand the plan