Test & Improve Presentation: Recommended Talking Points

This table summarizes Altify's recommended talking points when you're presenting your opportunity to reviewers during a Test & Improve.


# Topics T&I Page Duration Talking Points
1 Overview of the customer and opportunity Process 1-2 minutes

Briefly provide a high-level overview of the customer’s business and your history with them:

  • The solution you are selling, order amount, and anticipated close date.
  • Where you and the buyer are in the process and the next qualifier.
2 Status of key relationships Relationships 4-5 minutes

Describe key player support:

  • For you
  • What is your evidence that you have supporters and mentors?

    What do they gain if you win? How do they win? How have they demonstrated their support for you?

  • For a competitor
  • Who are your nonsupporters and enemies?

    What do they gain if you lose? How do they win? How have they demonstrated their support for your competitor?

  • What are your relationship-development priorities and strategies?
3 What the customer needs to achieve Insight 4-5 minutes

Tell the customer story by describing:

  • Their goals
  • W ho the approver/decision maker is for each goal.
  • The pressures, and how they impact the goals.
  • The initiative and the obstacles that need to be enabled or fixed.
  • How your solution helps relieve their pressures and contributes to achieving their goals.
4 Current state and resource focus Assessment 4-5 minutes

Use the four opportunity assessment questions to present how you are doing compared to competitors, competitor strengths and weaknesses, and where you're currently focusing resource efforts.

The key questions are:

  • Is there an opportunity?
  • Can we compete?
  • Can we win?
  • Is it worth winning?
5 Strategy and Concerns Overview 2-3 minutes

Present your strategy, and your primary concerns:

  • Explain your strategy to win the opportunity.
  • Are there decision criteria that will block you or block competitors?
  • Where might your strategy be affected?
  • Where are you most vulnerable? Other than price, why might you lose?
6 Asks Actions 2-3 minutes

Explain your high-priority actions, with emphasis on where you need help.