Plan Overview: Objectives and Actions List

The OBJECTIVES and ACTIONS LIST on the Plan Overview page give you a summary of the objectives and actions that have been created for the Account Manager plan.


The Objectives tab (pictured below) shows the number of open and achieved plan objectives of each objective type, which helps you to see whether you're focusing on the right activities.

You see a red warning icon if there are any overdue objectives (as with Remove Barrier in the above example).

When you click All or an objective type, the Objectives page opens with the objectives list filtered accordingly


The Actions List tab (pictured below) displays the total number of actions created for the plan ('All'), sub-totals of open actions grouped according to their due date ('No Due Date', 'Overdue', etc.), and the sub-total of 'Completed' actions.

The 'Remaining' sub-total captures any action with a due date that doesn't fall within one of the preceding categories ('No Due Date', 'Overdue', etc.). So, for example, an action that is not overdue and is not due for three months will be counted in 'Remaining'.

When you click All or a sub-total, the Objectives page opens with the Actions List displayed and filtered accordingly.