Test & Improve

Test & Improve is a best-practice meeting cadence facilitated by Altify in your Account Manager plans.

As the name suggests, it helps revenue teams collaborate on Account Manager plans by providing a structured approach to getting the most out of each person's knowledge and experience.

Regular Test & Improve meetings test the team's Account Manager plans for gaps and gather recommendations of the most effective actions to improve them.

When you've established a regular Test & Improve cadence, and people participate fully, everyone on the revenue team benefits:

  • They develop a better understanding of the accounts, the business value you're delivering to customers, relationship-development priorities, and new business potential.
  • They coach each other. This often leads to creative ideas for growing revenue in the account, better anticipation of competitors' moves, and more effective strategies to block them.
  • They're better prepared to discuss their plans with their customers.
  • They knows how to focus investments and align resources in a way that helps them to win in their accounts.
  • And because people from across the business can participate, the whole company benefits from the way the process helps people to share ideas and best practices.

Access to Test & Improve Presentations

In order to access a T&I conducted in Altify, an invitee must have all of the following:

  • Membership of the Account Manager plan team

  • An Altify license and an Account Manager license

  • An Altify Permission Set (note that an assigned Permission Set Group will not suffice)

  • A Salesforce license

If an invitee does not have any of these, they are flagged with a hover message in Altify.

On clicking Send, the issue of access for flagged invitees is solved in the following ways:

  • The invitee is automatically added to the Account Manager plan team.

  • If the invitee does not have a license or permission set, an administrator is notified to set up the required access permissions.

Once the administrator has configured access, they can notify you (as the event organizer) and the invitee confirming the invitee's access to the T&I.

Caution: Your organization must nominate a T&I admin for the worfklow described above to happen. For more information, talk to your administrator.

Learn about Test & Improve

The Altify Learning web site offers a highly engaging way to learn how to get the most out of Test & Improve.

Test & Improve Knowledge Base

These knowledge-base topics explain some of the finer points of Test & Improve: