Insight Types

When adding an insight to your map, it's important to know what type of insight is the most appropriate. The following brief video uses a simple analogy to help explain the five insight types: goal, pressure, initiative, obstacle, and solution.

Each type of insight card – goal, pressure, initiative, obstacle, and solution – has its own particular set of details.

Insight Type Details
  • Confirmed/Unconfirmed. An insight whose details have been verified by the customer can be marked as confirmed.
  • Description.
  • Who is the decision maker responsible for this goal? This is the contact who ‘owns’ the insight. (There can be more than one.)
  • Who told you about this?
  • Attachments. Files containing supporting information.
  • Confirmed/Unconfirmed. An insight whose details have been verified by the customer can be marked as confirmed.
  • Pressure Type.
  • Description.
  • How does this pressure impact the goal(s)?
  • Who is impacted by this pressure? This is the contact who ‘owns’ the insight. (There can be more than one.)
  • Who told you about this?
  • Attachments. Files containing supporting information.
  • Confirmed/Unconfirmed. An insight whose details have been verified by the customer can be marked as confirmed.
  • Description.
  • Desired outcome.
  • Priority. (Low, Medium, or High)
  • Who is responsible for the success or failure of the initiative? This is the contact who ‘owns’ the insight. (There can be more than one.)
  • Who told you about this?
  • Attachments. Files containing supporting information.
  • Solutions. (Solutions can be linked to an specific initiative so that they form part of any insight map the initiative is added to.)

Tip: Goals and Initiatives are often confused. A goal is what the customer wants to achieve. An initiative is how they are thinking of achieving the goal.

  • Confirmed/Unconfirmed. An insight whose details have been verified by the customer can be marked as confirmed.
  • Description.
  • Who is impacted by this obstacle? This is the contact who ‘owns’ the insight. (There can be more than one.)
  • Who told you about this?
  • Attachments. Files containing supporting information.
  • Solutions. (Solutions can be linked to an specific obstacle so that they form part of any insight map the obstacle is added to.)

Tip: Dig deep to uncover obstacles. If your solution can address more than one customer obstacle, it increases the value your organization can deliver.

  • Confirmed/Unconfirmed. An insight whose details have been verified by the customer can be marked as confirmed.
  • Description.
  • Attachments. Files containing supporting information.