Insight Map

Today's buyers are more informed than ever before.

In a crowded field where buyers can easily learn about many potential suppliers, you need ways to stand out from the competition. Often, that requires your team to fully understand the customer’s business problems, what they must achieve, and why.

This understanding puts you in a position to propose solutions that will help the customer to look beyond features and functions, boosting your chances of winning the deal.

An opportunity insight map is the perfect tool to:

  • Gather and organize information received from the customer's decision makers about the goals of their initiative.
  • Capture the problems that affect their ability to achieve their goals.
  • Communicate how your solutions can help them.

The insight map helps the revenue team to start conversations with the customer that show not only product expertise but also business expertise.

Collaborating with your customer on an insight map gives you a way of providing insights into their business they wouldn't get anywhere else, which helps you increase your value to them.

The customer sees that your focus is on their success, and not just on selling them something.

Above is a typical opportunity insight map. It's made up of cards of various types:

  • Goals
  • Pressures
  • Initiatives
  • Obstacles
  • Solutions

Together, these tell a story about the customer's business problems and how they plan to address them.

Opening an Insight Map

To open an opportunity's insight map, click the Insight tab.

More About Insight Maps