Best Practice for Reviewers

This topic helps you to follow Altify's recommended best practices to get the most out of the Test & Improve tool.

Preparing for the Meeting

We recommend that you review Altify's Test & Improve guidelines document before the meeting, so that the general aims and format of a Test & Improve are fresh in your mind.

As a reviewer, you start by listening to the full presentation (ideally without interrupting the presenter).

Then you're invited to ask clarifying questions to make sure you understand the opportunity plan.

Once you've gained a full understanding of the plan, you'll be in a position to spot potential vulnerabilities, and make recommendations.

During the Plan Presentation

The meeting begins in the "Present" stage, during which the presenter takes you through the various areas of the opportunity.

  • Usually, the presenter shares their view of the Test & Improve tool with you through a conferencing application. This ensures that you can always see what they're looking at.
  • Meanwhile, you also have the Test & Improve tool open on your device.

  • It’s a good idea to hide the right-hand panel during the presentation, so that no areas of the plan are obscured from your view. (This won't affect what anyone else sees.)
  • Allow the presenter(s) to complete the presentation without interruptions.
  • Wait until afterwards to look things up in the plan or think about recommendations.

Asking Questions

When prompted by the presenter, click the Questions chevron.

  • The coach invites the reviewers to add their clarifying questions to the Feed.
  • Keep your questions concise, and avoid 'leading the witness' by adding commentary. The presenter is not looking for a critique of the plan at this stage. Your questions should be aimed at making everyone's view of the plan clearer.

  • The coach calls each person in turn to ask their clarifying questions.
  • Don't think about vulnerabilities or recommendations during the questions stage. It's still too early to consider those.
  • If someone else asks a question that you were going to ask, like their question in the Test & Improve feed, and delete your own.

  • Remember to check the Mark as Answered option (indicated in the example below) when your question has been answered.

Sharing Potential Vulnerabilities

When prompted by the presenter, click the Vulnerabilities chevron.

  • The Coach invites the Reviewers to add their vulnerabilities to the Feed.
  • For vulnerabilities, your perspective should be: 'What's the worst thing that could happen?'

    Embody the role you are playing in the meeting. Use phrasing like "As the customer, I think...", for example.

  • Other people's shared potential vulnerabilities may give you ideas for recommendations. When this happens, add these to the feed.
  • If someone else shares a potential vulnerability that you were going to share, like it in the Test & Improve feed, and delete your own.

Making Recommendations

When prompted by the presenter, click the Recommendations chevron.

  • Have a recommendation to share to address every vulnerability you shared earlier.
  • Express the recommendations in a way that is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound).
  • If someone else shares a recommendation that you were going to share, like it in the Test & Improve feed, and delete your own.