Send Fax

All users with the Send Faxes service can log in to AccuRoute CloudFAX and send faxes quickly and easily using the Send Fax option. Send Fax allows you to send faxes to multiple recipients or contact lists, assign subjects for internal use, and attach files. There are also advanced options for fax transmission.

  1. On the Details tab, click Add, then select one of the following: 

  2. Or, click Search to search for specific recipients within contact lists.

  3. Enter a subject line in the Subject box (optional).

  4. Click Choose File to select the documents you want to attach, or move documents to the Add Files to Fax area using a drag-and-drop operation.

  5. To use a pre-defined cover page, select the cover page name from the Cover Page drop-down list. Cover pages available in the drop-down list are templates configured by an Account Manager. Cover pages appear in this list if they are public, assigned to you as a user, or assigned to a group that you belong to.

  6. To add a cover page to your fax, enter text in the Message box. Use the formatting bar along the top to format the text.

  7. By default, fax options are taken from your Outbound settings; however, you can modify these options before sending a fax. Click the Options tab to access fax options.

    CSID: Your identification as seen in your outgoing fax.

    Number of Sending Attempts: The number of attempts to perform when fax transmission fails.

    Page Orientation: Specify portrait or landscape page orientation for the transmission.

    Page Size: Specify the page size to be transmitted (A4, B4, legal, or letter).

    Rendering Optimization: Specify whether to render documents in grayscale, black and white, or fine.

    Resolution: Specify standard or fine resolution for the transmission.

    Notification Email: An optional email address to which feedback messages are sent.

    Send Fax After: Allows you to delay sending the fax until after the specified date and time. Fax submission into the system can be delayed for up to 30 days.

    Note: High-authentication (PCI) users will not have this option.

    Use these settings as the default settings: Remembers the selected options and uses them as the default options for your outbound faxes. These settings will override any settings configured in your Outbound settings.

  8. Click Send Fax.