Inbound settings

To manage settings for your inbound faxes, in the Navigation Menu, click Settings, then click Inbound Settings.This menu item will only be available to users with an active receive faxes service.

There are three tabs that make up the Inbound settings:

General tab

Barcodes tab

Advanced tab


General tab

Notify: It is possible for you to receive fax notifications to multiple email addresses simultaneously. In this section, you can add and remove email addresses that fax notifications are sent to.

Attachment Format: Select the format for attached fax images. The following options are available:

  • PDF

  • TIF

  • TIFF-G3

  • TIFF-G4

Deliver Received Fax via Web Service: Select this check box to call a web service when a fax arrives.

URL: The URL for the web service.

Delete fax image after completion: When selected, fax images are permanently removed from our servers after being retrieved, so that any sensitive data cannot be exposed.

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Barcodes tab

Barcode processing allows you to automatically extract barcode data from your received faxes and store the values into custom properties or private tags.

To add barcode mappings for inbound faxes:

  1. Select the Process received faxes for Barcodes check box to enable barcode processing for inbound faxes.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select the page that the barcode will be found on from the On Page drop-down list. If Custom is selected, enter a page number in the box to the right.

  4. In the Matches box, enter the regex pattern to match against the barcode value. See Regex examples.

  5. In the Store in box, select where you want to map the value to. Values can be stored in a private tag or in a custom field.

  6. In the Value box, enter the value you want to store for the barcode. Enter %barcode% to store the barcode value. Substitution variables are supported for this field.

  7. From the Handle multiple matches drop-down list, select an option to determine what to do if the pattern match finds more than one barcode that matches. The following options are available:

    • First: If more than one match is found, use the first barcode.

    • Last: If more than one match is found, use the last barcode.

    • None: If more than one match is found, do not use either barcode.

    Tip: Barcodes are read left to right and top to bottom, so the first is the closest to the top/left and last is the closest to the bottom/right.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Repeat Steps 1 - 8 to add additional barcode mappings.

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Advanced tab

Auto Sharing

Instead of sharing each fax manually, you can use AccuRoute CloudFAX’s auto sharing feature to automatically share received faxes with one or more users or groups of users under an account.

  1. Select the Enable Auto Sharing check box.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Click Add (>) next to the user(s) or group(s) you want to automatically share received faxes with. Or, move users or groups from the Available box to the Selected box using a drag-and-drop operation.

    To remove a user or group from auto share, click Remove (X) next to the user or group in the Selected box.

  4. Select the desired permission level for the user(s) or group(s) from the Permissions drop-down menu. The following options are available: 

    • View

    • View and edit

    • View and share

    • View, edit and share

  5. Click OK.

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Auto Forwarding

You can use AccuRoute CloudFAX’s auto forwarding feature to automatically forward received faxes to another fax number or to a contact list. This option is only available for users with outbound services.

  1. Select the Enable Auto Forwarding check box.

  2. Click Add.

  3. To forward received faxes to another fax number, select Fax from the Type drop-down list, then enter the fax number in the Fax field.

  4. To forward received faxes to a contact list, select Contact List from the Type drop-down list, then select the appropriate contact list from the Contact List drop-down list.

  5. Click OK.

You can restrict faxes that are forwarded based on either the caller ID or CSID.

  1. In the Restrict to only faxes sent where section, click Add.

  2. To restrict auto forwarding based on a caller ID, select Caller Id from the Type drop-down list, then enter the caller ID number in the ID field.

  3. To restrict auto forwarding based on a CSID, select CSID from the Type drop-down list, then enter the CSID in the ID field.

  4. Click OK.

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Received fax backup notification

If we encounter an issue emailing a fax to you, we can fax it to a backup number after a specified number of minutes.

  1. Select the Enable received fax backup notification check box.

  2. In the Time to wait before field, specify the number of minutes to wait after a notification has failed before sending to the specified fax number.

  3. In the Fax number field, specify the fax number to send faxes to.

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