Configure Adapter Processing Settings

Adapter Processing settings are generic across all Adapters.

  1. Select the Adapter Source to configure. Complete the fields shown in the graphic below:

  2. Enter the Degrees of Parallelism.
    1. Specifies the number of parallel threads a single Adapter Crawler should use when acquiring content.
    2. Multiple Degrees of Parallelism by the number of Adapter Crawlers for total threads.
  3. Enter Batch Processing Size
    1. The Adapter Crawler processes content in batches.
    2. In this scenario the Adapter Crawler exclusively retrieves 100 items to crawl.
    3. The Adapter Crawler does not release these items until each has been crawled, annotated, and published.
  4. Select Processing Order.
    1. Once a content source has been enumerated the Adapter Crawler can process these items the Newest First or Oldest First.
  5. Enter Full Enumeration Cron Schedule.
    1. Enables the end-user the ability to schedule when Full Crawls should execute.

      Note: All Cron Schedules follow a specific format which can be found here.

  6. Enter Incremental Enumeration Cron Schedule
    1. Enables the end-user the ability to schedule when Incremental Crawls should execute.
  7. Enter Pause Crawling Cron Schedule
    1. The Adapter Crawler is a continuous crawler.
    2. This enables the end-user the ability to schedule when crawling should be paused.
    3. This is useful when you need to perform maintenance on your Content Sources.
  8. Enter Resume Crawling Cron Schedule
    1. Gives the end-user the ability to schedule when paused crawls should resume.
  9. Continue to configure specific Elastic Adapter settings.