Configure AutoClassifier Online Add-In Website IIS Certificate


  1. Open the IIS manager and confirm that a new HTTPS site appears, such as the following:

  2. Bind your web server certificate to the newly-created site:
    1. Locate the entry BA Insight AutoClassifier SharePoint Add-In site in the left-side pane.
    2. Right-click this site and select Edit Bindings from the sub-menu that appears.

    3. A new configuration windows opens. 
      Port: Ensure that the Port (443) has been populated by the installer. See the graphic below.
    4. SSL certificate: Click the drop-down menu to select your previously installed certificate.

      See the Edit Site Binding window.
  3. If running on a specific hostname or running multiple certificates on Port 443 specify or select the:
    1. Host name
    2. Require Server Name Indication
    3. SSL certificate
    4. Access to this example site would be "https://autoclassifier.baitest.local"

  4. Click OK to complete the configuration process.

How to Validate Your IIS Site Configuration

Note: SharePoint On-Premise High-Trust App model requires Windows Authentication is enabled.

When testing you are prompted for credentials.

Use the credentials specified for the Application Pool when you installed the application.

  1. Open a browser window.
  2. Enter the DNS address (name) in your browser address field in the following format:
    1. https://DNSname/pages/Test.aspx
    2. Example: myconnectivityhub.bainsight.test or myserver.mydomain.local
  3. If the configuration is correct, a new blank browser window opens displaying the following message:

   "BAInsight AutoClassifier Test Page."