Document Resubmittal Service

The Document Resubmittal service identifies and flags items for incremental crawling (adding only new and changed items to your index).

How to Install the Resubmittal Service

  1. Navigate to the directory <Sharepoint Hive>\bin\SmartPipeline\ResubmittalService.
  2. Copy the contents of the folder to a new directory. This step is optional.

  3. Open Windows PowerShell as an Administrator.

  4. Navigate to the Clustering directory as shown in the following image.

  5. Run the following command:
  6. When prompted, enter a valid Domain account that can Log on as a Service.

How to Configure the Resubmittal Processing Service

Configuration options can be specified in the file ResubmittalService.exe.config.

You are required to configure the following options: SmartPipelineConnectionString, and SearchServiceApplicationName.

    1. LogLocation
      1.  Enter:Location on local server. When running on SharePoint Server with SmartPipeline.
      2. Default location set in SmartPipeline Configuration and this location is overridden.
    2. SmartPipelineConnectionString
      1. Enter: Connection String information to SmartPipeline Database created upon SmartPipeline installation.
    3. SharePointSearchConnectionString
      1. **Only used on older versions of SharePoint when SychronizeDocumentIds = True
    4. SearchServiceApplicationName
      1. Enter: Name of Search Service Application used by SmartPipeline
    5. EnableSharePointRecrawl
      1. Default: True
    6. SynchronizeDocumentIds
      1. Default: False
        **Only used on older versions of SharePoint
    7. ResubmittalInterval
      1. Default: 10 minutes
    8. ResubmittalStartTime
      1. Default: 00:00:00
    9. ResubmittalEndTime
      1. Default: 23:59:00

How to Start the Resubmittal Processing Service

  1. Open the Microsoft Windows services application (services.msc).
  2. Start the Resubmittal Processing service as a Windows service. See the following image.