What is a Taxonomy?

Taxonomy is a scheme of classification.

  • For AutoClassifier, a Taxonomy is defined as a structured collection of terms.
  • These terms represent structured metadata.
  • Within AutoClassifier, you create a Taxonomy of terms or metadata, which you apply to your data to make it findable.


For example, the following table contains the information that is attached to a single graphic image file captured from a digital camera.

This taxonomy of metadata, is structured so as to be more easily understood.

Camera manufacturer Canon
Camera model Canon EOS 80D
Author JG
Exposure time 1/160 sec (0.00625)
F Number f/5.6
Date and time of data generation 20:21, 20 Jan 2005
Lens focal length 400 mm

To better see how taxonomies and metadata apply to you, see this video demonstration.