

LexisNexis calls the Lexis Search Advantage Classification Engine to extract legal metadata from content. This component integrates with the Lexis Nexis legal classification engine.

How to Add the LexisNexis Component

  1. Navigate to the AutoClassifier Pipelines component page.
  2. Click New Component and select LexisNexis from the component list:
  3. Name your new LexisNexis component and click Add
  4. Click Apply to save your changes.
  5. Ensure your new LexisNexis component is placed in the list of existing pipeline stages.

How to Configure the LexisNexis Web Service

To configure your LexisNexis component, select it from the components list and complete the following fields in the Configuration section:

  1. Service Url: Specify the Web URL of the LexisNexis web service. For example, http://localhost:8088/ecsk/analyze.
  2. Analyze Document:
  3. Generate Preview: When this is enabled, you will be able to generate document previews.
  4. Document id Property: Enter a property which represents the Document Identifier, if available.
  5. Use Raw Data:
    1. Checked: Raw Documentum binary will be submitted
    2. Unchecked: The body property will be submitted. You can use the Tika Extractor component to generate the body property.
  6. File Share: Enter the file share address if you are using raw data to create a file share which is reachable by the AutoClassifier App Pool account and the Lexis Nexis server.


If you are not generating a preview, avoid using raw data. If you are generating a preview, either raw data or the Body property can be submitted. The Body property is more efficient when processing but some formatting will be lost in the generated preview

Input Properties

Property Type Notes
Body Text Extracted Text Content

Output Properties

Property Type

Text – Multi

LEXCompany Text – Multi
LEXJudge Text – Multi

Text – Multi

LEXOrganization Text – Multi
LEXDocumentType Text – Multi
LEXTaxonomy Text – Multi
LEXDisplayUrl Text