Add Triggers to Determine When Your Pipelines Run
About Triggers
Triggers control component activation based on the incoming request (caller plus the input data).
Triggers can be specified for any/all of the AutoClassifier components.
By default, all of the triggers that are listed in the UI are called.
You can choose to select one or more filters within the features that you add.
Specify Trigger Settings
Use the following steps to specify your Component trigger settings.
- On the Pipeline page, select a your pipeline and expand the Trigger section:
- Trigger is enabled: You must enable this setting before you can select any specific Triggers. If this is not enabled, the Pipeline is always called.
- Triggers (Optional): If no specific triggers are selected, the Pipeline is always called. Select one or more specific triggers and if the trigger evaluates to True, the pipeline is called:
- AutoClassifier Annotator
- Connector Document Service
- Connector Test Bench
- Recommend
- Connector Crawler
- Connector External Content Service
- External Access Point
- SharePoint Crawler
- Connector Railroader
- Connector DocLoader:
- Connector Target:
- Playback or Testing:
- Suggestions:
- Trigger Script (optional):
Enter a C# or a VB script.
- Return True in the trigger script to run the pipeline stage.
- Return False to skip running the pipeline stage.
Configure Your Triggers Using Scripts
- On the Pipeline page, select a your pipeline and expand the Trigger section.
- Trigger is enabled: Click. You must select Trigger is enabled before you can make any selections/entries.
- In the Trigger Script section, select C# or VB.NET as the script language.
- Type in the script.
- Compile: Click to verify the validity of the script.
See the following scripting examples:
Example: Retrieving an Item Property
To get an item property, use the generic GET
method on item object:
string propertyValue = item.Get<string>("propertyName");
Dim propertyValue As String = item.[Get](Of String)("propertyName")
Example: Property Values
Example: Item Raw Data
Raw data can be retrieved as a byte buffer using the RawData
byte[] content = item.RawData;
Dim content As Byte() = item.RawData
Example: Logging
Use static methods to write entries into the log at different levels:
Log.Debug("Debug message");
Log.Info("Info message");
Log.Warning("Warning message");
Log.Error("Error message");
Log.Debug("Debug message");
Log.Info("Info message");
Log.Warning("Warning message");
Log.[Error]("Error message");
- Assemblies and namespaces: Click to define the assemblies and namespaces to import.
Example: Prevent calls for deleted items
If you want to exclude deleted or skipped items from being sent from Connectivity Hub to AutoClassifier, use the following script:
var isDeletedItemRequestFromCH = item.Get<bool>("IsDeleted");
if (isDeletedItemRequestFromCH)
return false;
Dim isDeletedItemRequestFromCH = item.[Get](Of Boolean)("IsDeleted")
If isDeletedItemRequestFromCH Then Return False