Use your pipeline ID to call a specific pipeline in Connectivity Hub

In Connectivity Hub, you can append your pipeline ID to the content enrichment API path to allow Connectivity Hub to directly call a specific pipeline in AutoClassifier. To do so, use the following instructions:

  1. In AutoClassifier, click Online Pipelines.

  2. Select a specific pipeline from the existing pipeline list.

  3. On the specific pipeline page, expand the settings section.

  4. Note the value of the pipeline ID in the Pipeline Id field.

  5. In Connectivity Hub, select your content source and click the Advanced tab.

  6. Navigate to the Enrichment Pipeline Integration section.

  7. Select Enrichment Web API and specify the path to your AutoClassifier API with the pipeline ID from step 4 appended. For example: http://<AutoClassifier Engine URL>/api/ContentEnrichment/ProcessItem?pipelineid=cf940468-acb4-42cc-954a-27d2c84b8b0c.

For more information on integrating AutoClassifier with Connectivity Hub, see Integrate AutoClassifier with Connectivity Hub or Connector Framework.

Note the following:

  • If the pipeline ID corresponds to existing pipeline, the pipeline will be immediately triggered.

  • If the pipeline ID does not correspond with an existing pipeline (for example, if the pipeline does not exist or is disabled), then the standard Web API call will occur and an appropriate warning message will be logged.