File Scripts
How to Remove the HTML Tags from Item Body
Usage: Unstructured data column
Description: Use function
to update the content by removing the HTML tags.
dim origFile() as byte= HOST.GetFileContent()
dim noHtml as string = HOST.CleanupHtmlTags(origFile)
return noHtml
How to Copy and Rename a File
Usage: Unstructured data column
Use this function to copy a file for indexing.
This function removes the temp file and fix the extensions.
dim origFile as string = HOST.GetStringValue("FILEPATH")
dim ext as string= origFile.substring(origFile.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)
dim newFilePath as string = HOST.GetTempFilePath(ext)
return newFilePath
How to Add Multiple Files to a ZIP File, Dynamically
Usage: Unstructured data column
If you have a one-to-many relationship with data to files, you can attach all of the files for crawling when you use this script.
Select ZIP type from the list of unstructured options.
'how to pull multiple file references. assume second query returns all the files
dim ds as Dataset = HOST.GetDataSet()
dim fieldName as string = "filepath"dim dsindex as integer = 1
for i as integer = 0 to ds.tables(dsindex).rows.count -1
dim fullfileName as string = HOST.MyToString(ds.tables(dsindex).rows(i)(fieldName))
dim shortfileName as string = fullfileName.substring(fullfilename.lastindexof("\") + 1)
How to Make a Copy of the File to Filter
Usage: Unstructured data column
Description: Use this function if the filter is locking the file or encounters problems opening the file.
- You can also rename the file.
- The resulting copy is deleted when the filtering is complete.
- This statement is true because the path is returned by the call
dim origFile as string = HOST.GetStringValue("document")
if not string.IsNullOrEmpty( origFile ) Then
dim ext as string= origFile.substring(origFile.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)
dim newFilePath as string = HOST.GetTempFilePath(ext)
return newFilePath
return "NOFILE"end if
catch x as exception
return origfile
end try
How to Create a ZIP File
Usage: Unstructured data column
Description: If there is only one file, this code enables you to conditionally return a zip file or a single file.
dim files() as string = {"c:\test\Federation.log","c:\test\file.docx"}
dim nfile as string = HOST.GetTempFilePath("zip")
return nfile
How to Download a File from a Website
Usage: Unstructured data column
Description: Retrieve a binary file stream from a web site based on the URL that is provided in a field from your data source.
dim fileURL as string = HOST.GetStringValue("FILEURLCOLUMN")
dim fileBytes() as byte
fileBytes = HOST.RunByteRequest(fileURL , "username-leaveblankforanon", "pass")
dim ext as string= HOST.GetSTringValue("FileExtension")
dim newFilePath as string = HOST.GetTempFilePath(ext)
return newFilePath
catch efe as exception
Host.writetrace("Exception on file retrieve:" + efe.message)
return ""end try