Group Scripts

How to Resolve a Group Name Against a Table in a SQL database

  • Usage: Group loading

  • Description: Connect to a database and resolve a group

Resolve a Group Name
dim gid as string = HOST.GetSystemName()
Dim sqlConn As new SqlClient.SqlConnection
sqlConn.ConnectionString = "" 'put your connection string here.

Dim comd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand()
comd.Connection = sqlConn
comd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
comd.CommandTimeout = 1000
comd.CommandText = "select ntcredential from sctmfastconnevtion where DCTMCredentialLoginName ='" + gid.replace("'","''") + "'"Dim rs As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = comd.ExecuteReader()
If (rs.Read()) Then    
    dim cred as string = HOST.MyToString(rs("ntcredential"))    
    if cred <> "" then HOST.SetADID(cred)    
End If
Catch ex As Exception
HOST.WriteTrace("Exception:" + ex.message)
end try
return true

How to Load a Static Group From a Static File

  • UsageGroup loading

  • Description: Replace the file name with your file path user name=ADAccount name2=ADAccount2 for file syntax

Load a Static Group
Dim FILEPATH As String = "\\server\path\file.txt"Dim groupname As String = HOST.GetSystemName().tolower()
Static lookup As Hashtable = Hashtable.Synchronized(New Hashtable())

if host.getcount() = 1 then lookup.clear()

If lookup.Count = 0 Then
Dim contents() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(FILEPATH)
For i As Integer = 0 To contents.Length - 1
If Not contents(i).Contains("=") Then Continue For
Dim pair() As String = contents(i).Split("=")
lookup(pair(0).ToLower()) = pair(1)
End If
If lookup.ContainsKey(groupname) andalso HOST.TestADExists(lookup(groupname).tostring()) Then
End If
End If
Return True