Metadata Scripts
How to Return an Array of Values for Metadata
Usage: Author column, title column, metadata - text
Description: Returns a string array as a multi-valued property.
Return an Array of Values
dim strarr(2) as string
strarr(0) = "first person"strarr(1) = "second person"return strarr
How to Crawl Only Metadata for Certain File Types
Usage: Unstructured data column
The first part is building the path to the file.
This code is different for each Connector.
The next step is to add the extensions you do not want to use.
Crawl Metadata for Certain File Types
dim blockedExt() as string = {".tif",".cad"} 'add to list here
dim fpath as string = HOST.GETSTRINGVALUE("docserver_loc") & HOST.GETSTRINGVALUE("PATH") & HOST.GETSTRINGVALUE("fpath").tolower()
for i as integer = 0 to blockedExt.length -1
if fpath.endswith(blockedExt(i)) then return "NOFILE"next
return fpath