Security Scripts and Functions


TargetDirectory Object

Functions Supported by All Target Directories

Function Input Parameters (Type) Return (Type) Description
GetUserByDisplayIdentifier() ByVal displayIdentifier (String) IUser
  • Retrieves a user from the configured target directory by a user-friendly identifier used on the administration UI as well as show users

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned

GetUserByInternalIdentifier() ByVal internalIdentifier (String)
  • Retrieves a user from the configured target directory by an internal identifier (GUID, SID, etc)

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned

GetGroupByDisplayIdentifier() ByVal displayIdentifier (String) IGroup
  • Retrieves a group from the configured target directory by a user-friendly identifier used on the administration UI as well to show users

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned

GetGroupByInternalIdentifier() ByVal internalIdentifier (String)
  • Retrieves a group from the configured target directory by an internal identifier (GUID, SID, etc)

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned


Functions Supported by Active Directory

Function Input Parameters (Type) Return (Type) Description

ByVal attribute (String)

ByVal value (String)

  • Retrieves a group by the specified attribute and value

  • If the group is not found, then the null value is returned

GetGroupByDistinguishedName() ByVal distinguishedName (String)
  • Retrieves a group by distinguishedName

  • If the group is not found, then the null value is returned

GetGroupByName() ByVal name (String)
  • Retrieves a group by name in either format:

    • 'netbiosname\username'

    • 'username@domain'

      • Only the full domain name like 'mydomain.local' is supported

  • If the group is not found, then the null value is returned

GetGroupBySID() ByVal sid (String)
  • Retrieves a group by SID

  • If the group is not found, then the null value is returned


ByVal attribute (String)

ByVal value (String)

  • Retrieves a user by the specified attribute and value.

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned

GetUserByEmailAddress() ByVal emailAddress (String)
  • Retrieves a user by email address

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned

GetUserByName() ByVal name (String)
  • Retrieves a user by name in either format:

    • 'netbiosname\username'

    • 'username@domain'

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned

GetUserBySID() ByVal sid (String)
  • Retrieves a user by SID

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned

Functions Supported by Azure Active Directory

Function Input Parameters (Type) Return (Type) Description

ByVal attribute (String)

ByVal value (String)

  • Retrieves a group by the specified attribute and value

  • If the group is not found, then the null value is returned

  • The specified attribute must also be added to the properties to load text box on the Target Directory Configuration page

GetGroupByEmail() ByVal emailAddress (String)
  • Retrieves a group by email address

  • If the group is not found, then the null value is returned

GetGroupByID() ByVal id (String)
  • Retrieves a group by Azure Active Directory ID

  • If the group is not found, then the null value is returned


ByVal attribute (String)

ByVal value (String)

  • Retrieves a user by the specified attribute and value

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned.

  • The specified attribute must also be added to the properties to load text box on the Target Directory Configuration page

GetUserByEmailAddress() ByVal emailAddress (String)
  • Retrieves a user by email address. 

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned

GetUserByID() ByVal id (String)
  • Retrieves a user by Azure Active Directory ID

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned

GetUserByName() ByVal name (String)
  • Retrieves a user by display name

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned

GetUserByUPN() ByVal upn (String)
  • Retrieves a user by userPrincipalName in the format:

    • ''

    • Only the full domain name like 'mydomain.local' is supported

  • If the user is not found, then the null value is returned

User and Group Objects

Properties Supported by All Target Directories

Property Type Description
Disabled Boolean Indicated that the user or group is disabled in the target directory.
DisplayIdentifier String
  • A user-friendly identifier which is used to display the user or group on the administration UI.

  • Format depends on the configured target directory.

  • An internal identifier what is typically used to store in ACLs inside the search index. 

  • (Its format depends on the configured target directory)

Properties Supported by Active Directory

Property Type Description
DistinguishedName String LDAP specific identifier.
Name Name in 'domain\user' format.
SID Active Directory specific security identifier.

Properties Supported by Azure Active Directory

Property Type Description
AdditionalAttributes Dictionary<String, object>
  • A list of additional properties loaded for a user/group during the request.

  • The additional properties must be specified in the Azure Active Directory Target configuration page in the 'Properties to load' text box.

DeletedDateTime DateTime AAD Group only: Specifies the date the group was deleted.
DisplayName String User/Group display name.
ID Azure Active Directory specific security identifier.
Mail User/Group email address.
OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier The SID of a user/group synchronized with On-Premise active directory.
UserPrincipalName AAD User only: Specifies the user principal name.


HOST Object

User and Group Mapping Functions

The following table contains all the security mapping related functions of the HOST object:

Function Input Parameters (Type) Return (Type) Description
Integer Returns the index of current user or group.
Boolean Retrieves the "active" status.
String Retrieves the unique identifier of user or group returned by connector.
Retrieves the name of user or group returned by connector from the source system.
Retrieves the target directory specific identifier returned by connector.
GetValue() ByVal key (String) Retrieves the custom property of the user or group returned by the connector.
  • Re-maps the current group to an existing group.

  • This is a group load-only feature.

SetSystemActive() ByVal (Boolean)
Sets the "active" status.


Access Control Scripts and Functions

Function Input Parameters (Type) Return (Type) Description
Byte() Returns the security descriptor.
SetSecDesc() ByVal sd (Byte()) Sets the security descriptor.


Retrieves the item Public status.
SetIsPublic() ByVal iPublic (Boolean) Sets the item Public status.

ByVal id (String)

ByVal grant (Boolean)

Adds a user by system ID.

To add the user with granted access, set Grant to true.

To add the user with denied access, set Grant to false.


Adds a group by system ID.

To add the group with granted access, set Grant to true.

To add the group with denied access, set Grant to false.

AddUser() ByVal id (String)
ByVal lvl (Integer)
ByVal grant (Boolean)

Adds a user by system ID to a specific level for multi-level security.

To add the user with granted access, set Grant to true.

To add the user with denied access, set Grant to false.


Adds a group by system ID to a specific level for multi-level security.

To add the group with granted access, set Grant to true.

To add the group with denied access, set Grant to false.


ByVal id (String)
ByVal grant (Boolean)
Removes a user by System ID from the ACL
RemoveGroup() Removes a group by System ID from the ACL


ByVal user (IUser)
ByVal grant (Boolean)
Adds a user retrieved from the target directory.
AddTargetUser() ByVal user (IUser) ByVal lvl (Integer) ByVal grant (Boolean) Adds a user retrieved from the target directory to a specific level for multi-level security.
AddTargetGroup() ByVal group (IGroup) ByVal grant (Boolean) Adds a group retrieved from the target directory.
AddTargetGroup() ByVal group (IGroup) ByVal lvl (Integer) ByVal grant (Boolean) Adds a group retrieved from the target directory to a specific level for multi-level security.


Clears all users/groups access.


Granted groups IDs.


  String() Granted users IDs.


  String() Denied groups IDs.
GetDenyUserIDs()   String() Denied users IDs.