Define the Data to be Extracted and Pushed Into the Target

Use the following steps to define the data to be extracted and pushed into your target.


  1. Navigate to the Content Sources page and click <your Web Service Connector> See the gear icon. > Edit.
  2. Click the Item Definition tab. Fill in the following fields:

  3. Item extension:
    1. Define by template: These settings are the default settings and are shown below.
    2. Define by script: Enter a script using Scripts page.
    3. Pick column: Click to select a database column.
      See the following example of possible selections (this varies according to your selection):

      See the Pick column drop-down list.
    4. Extension field: (required if the target system is SharePoint): 
      1. By default, [SPW_EXTENSION] is entered.
      2. This is the file extension that is pulled from the content repository (the brackets [] indicate the repository location).
      3. This extension determines how the item is treated in the target system.
      4. In some target systems this specification also affects the icon that is displayed in the list of search results.
      5. You might need to register all the extension values in the target system that you specify here.
  4. Item container URL
    1. Defines a link that is used as a folder or container link.
    2. The default value is [SPW_CONTAINER].
  5. Item URL:

    1. Override the link for this item.

    2. The default value is [SPW_URL]

    3. Doc-loader can be used to download a specific item.
      To configure Doc-loader:

      1. Copy the following script:


        Doc-loader script

        dim baseurl = "http://localhost:8384/Services/DocumentLoader.svc/DownloadDocument?source="dim crawlurl as string =  HOST.URLEncode( HOST.GetStringValue("SPW_CRAWLURL"))
        return baseurl + crawlurl
      2. Make sure to replace the port on which your SmartHub is running. 

      3. In SmartHub, in the Additional Settings Configuration tab, make sure to configure the ConnectivityHub URL.

    Note: Metadata and security are not processed for Doc-Loader requests.

    • For performance reasons, metadata and security are skipped and not processed.

    • If you have a filter script that excludes items from index based on some metadata, you receive unexpected behavior in doc-Loader.

    • Write your script in such manner that the item will be indexed if the metadata value you check in your script is empty.

    • In case of Doc-Loader request, any metadata that you check in the filter script will have an empty value. 

  6. Unstructured Data Options:
    1. Specifies how the unstructured data is extracted.
    2. Default value for web service connectors: File (Network Share) with [SPW_FILEPATH]
  7. Item title:

    1. Defines the title that appears in the search results.

    2. For this reason, the default value is [SPW_TITLE].

  8. Item author:

    1. Define the item author.

    2. By default, [SPW_AUTHOR] is entered.

  9. Use the Metadata settings tab to define the default settings for the metadata to be generated:

  10. Click Save if you make any changes.

Caution: Invalid URLs result in invalid user links to search results.

Index Naming

Use the following table for guidance on Index naming:

Name Length Case Allowable Characters Character Placement Example
Index 2 - 128 Lower Letters, numbers, dashes ("-") First character must be a letter or number.

No consecutive dashes.

How to Use Brackets in Simple Format Fields

The standard format field is used throughout the BA Insight Connectors.

See the following examples:

  • Simple format field: This text box supports simple formatting functionality.
    • Any bracketed ([]) values are replaced by the corresponding data from the record.
    • To apply simple formatting, mix in additional characters.
    • For example,[code] - [desc] returns BL - Blue.
  • Reference DS Columns with brackets: This drop-down list contains the available columns.
    • When you make a selection, the selected column is appended to the currently selected text box.