How To Clone a Content Source
Connectivity Hub v3.0 enables users to clone existing content sources. You can use this feature when you need to create multiple content sources. You can find the option to clone a connection under the Actions column on the Content Sources page. For more information, see Clone a Content Source below.
You can clone a content source for the following use cases:
Performance: For environments with large amounts of content that require multiple content sources (and possibly multiple connections), multiple content sources are recommended for performance and organizational purposes. Cloning your content source can accelerate this process.
Staging/Testing: For instances where a content source is to be tested (recommended) before being implemented, you can clone a content source to test in a development environment before promoting it to a production environment.
Clone a Content Source
Open your instance of Connectivity Hub if it is not already open.
Navigate to the Content Sources page.
On the content source that you want to clone, in the Actions column, click the sprocket icon > Clone....
In the Content Info tab, in the Title field, enter a name for the cloned content source.
Complete the other settings in the other tabs as needed for your content source. For more information, see How to Connect to Source System.
Click Save. The new content source is listed on the Content Sources page.
You can repeat this process as many time as necessary. For certain environments, it may be necessary to clone a single content source multiple times for performance reasons.