Run a Security Synch/Purge Operation

Use the following steps to run a security synchronization operation.

Run a security purge operation by selecting Security Purge in step 3 below.

  1. Click Tasks > New. The Edit Job window displays.
  2. Scope (required): Use the drop-down to make a different CONNECTION selection.
  3. Job (required): Select Security Synch/Security Purge.
  4. Schedule (required):
    • One Time
    • Scheduled: Choose one of the following options.
      • Schedule builder: Use the UI to make your selections.
      • Advanced: Schedule the job in Cron format.
  5. Log level (required): Select/Leave the default:
    • Warn (Default)
    • Error
    • Info/Trace: Select only for testing purposes.
  6. Alert recipients:
    1. Enter email address separated by semicolons (;).
    2. These users are notified when/if an error occurs.
  7. Create:
    1.  Save and run your job.
    2.  You can see your job status for the Connection that you select using the Show jobs for drop-down.
      • For a scheduled job: See your job status on the Active Jobs tab:
      • For a one-time job: See your job status on the Jobs History tab.

      • If you have run multiple jobs you can filter from multiple jobs:
        1. Click See the filter icon. and select your Security Sync job.
        2. Click Filter and view your results:
If you do not see your jobs, click Refresh.