About the Content Server Connector
Note: The OpenText Content Server Connector is also known as:OpenText LiveLink Connector
The OpenText Content Server connector offers the following features:
- Users can search both Content Server and SharePoint (or another portal) with a single query.
- High indexing throughput to reduce the time it takes for new content to be searchable.
- Minimizes the impact on the source system Your Source System is the repository where your data is stored (data to be indexed). This repository is managed by applications such as: - SharePoint O365 - SharePoint 2013/16/19 - Documentum - File Share - OpenText - Lotus Notes - etc. Your Source System repository can also be a database such as SQL or Oracle. so Content Server performance is not diminished.
- Only surfaces the content that users are permitted to see.
- Content Server retains the master information and the search index Contains data from your source system. Your search application instance (Elasticsearch, SharePoint Online, etc.) contains the search indexes. One search index per content source. has only a representation (pointers). Users expect to click on a search result and be working on the original item or document.
For more information about the Content Sever Connector features and abilities, see https://www.bainsight.com/connectors/livelink-connector-sharepoint-azure-elasticsearch/.
Security defined in Content Server is automatically reflected in the search experience, which ensures that users only see content for which they are authorized.
There are no known limitations at this time.