About the Microsoft Teams Connector

The Teams connector allows you to index Teams content with security.

It supports all standard connectors capabilities:


The BA Insight Microsoft Teams connector:


Search behavior matches the behavior in Microsoft Teams.

  • Conversions and Channels in public teams are only returned for members of the team
  • Conversations and Channels for Organization-wide teams are returned for all search users.


  • Files, wikis, or OneNote documents stored in SharePoint Online team sites are not indexed via this connector, you must deploy the SharePoint Online connector instead
  • Personal chats are not supported
  • External users are not supported.
    • Teams includes external users are only secured based on internal users only*****
  • Extensions (such as interacting with a Box account) are not supported
  • In some cases, soft deletes and hard deletes are not fully supported due to Microsoft Teams API limitations. Users will see the item as deleted in Teams and the API reports it as if it was not deleted.
  • The connector recrawls teams and channels on each incremental crawl because the Microsoft Teams API is not returning the modified date for these objects.


Metadata properties supported by the connector are listed below (grouped by content types).

Note: The fileextension property is set as "html" for Conversations and left blank for Teams and Channels.

If these need to be indexed, the target A Target is a "pointer" to a specific instance of a search application, such as Elasticsearch. - (A Search application instance has one or more indexes) in Connectivity Hub must be configured accordingly.

If these properties must be indexed, the target in Connectivity Hub must be configured accordingly.


Metadata Property Value Type Description
SPW_TITLE String The display name for the team. Matches displayName property of the team's group resource type.
SPW_URL  String  A hyperlink that will go to the team in the Microsoft Teams client. Matches webUrl property of the team resource type.
dataStoreTypeID  String An identifier for the content type. Always contains TEAM_CONTENT_TYPE static value.
dataStoreTypeName  String A display name for the content type. Always contains Team static value.
createdDateTime DateTime  Timestamp of when the team was created. Matches createdDateTime property of the team's group resource type.
description  String An optional description for the team. Matches description property of the team's group resource type.
internalId String Matches internalId property of the team resource type.
isArchived  Boolean Matches isArchived property of the team resource type.
allowCustomMemes  Boolean  Matches teamFunSettings.allowCustomMemes property of the team resource type.
allowGiphy Boolean  Matches teamFunSettings.allowGiphyproperty of the team resource type.
allowStickersAndMemes  Boolean  Matches teamFunSettings.allowStickersAndMemes property of the team resource type.
giphyContentRating  String  Matches teamFunSettings.giphyContentRating property of the team resource type.
visibility  String  Matches visibility property of the team's group resource type.


Metadata Property Value Type Description
SPW_TITLE String Channel name as it will appear to the user in Microsoft Teams. Matches displayName property of the channel resource type.
SPW_URL  String  A hyperlink that will navigate to the channel in Microsoft Teams. Matches webUrl property of the channel resource type.
dataStoreTypeID  String An identifier for the content type. Always contains CHANNEL_CONTENT_TYPE static value.
dataStoreTypeName  String A display name for the content type. Always contains Team Channel static value.
description  String

Optional textual description for the channel. Matches description property of the channel resource type.

email String Matches email property of the channel resource type.


Metadata Property Value Type Description

A title of channel message in the following format:

Message from {from} on {createdDateTime}

where from and createdDateTime are replaced with the corresponding metadata properties of the message.

If a message has non-empty subject property, then the title has the following format:

Message from {from} on {createdDateTime} ({subject})
SPW_URL  String  A hyperlink that will navigate to the channel message in Microsoft Teams. Matches webUrl property of the chatMessage resource type.
dataStoreTypeID  String An identifier for the content type. Always contains MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE static value.
dataStoreTypeName  String A display name for the content type. Always contains Channel Message static value.
from String

Display name of the sender of the chat message. Matches displayName part of from property of the chatMessage resource type.


String Matches messageType property of the chatMessage resource type.
createdDateTime DateTime Timestamp of when the chat message was created. Matches createdDateTime property of the chatMessage resource type.


String The subject of the chat message, in plaintext. Matches subject property of the chatMessage resource type.


String Summary text of the chat message that could be used for push notifications and summary views or fall back views. Matches summary property of the chatMessage resource type.


String The importance of the chat message. Matches importance property of the chatMessage resource type.



Locale of the channel message set by the client. Matches locale property of the chatMessage resource type.


String A raw JSON representation of attachments property of the chatMessage resource type (defined by chatMessageAttachment resource type).