About the Salesforce Connector
- Works both with unstructured content and structured data.
- Large documents, attachments, and complex systems with customer-configurable schema are typical.
- Only surfaces the content that users are permitted to see.
- The source system Your Source System is the repository where your data is stored (data to be indexed).
This repository is managed by applications such as:
- SharePoint O365
- SharePoint 2013/16/19
- Documentum
- File Share
- OpenText
- Lotus Notes
- etc.
Your Source System repository can also be a database such as SQL or Oracle. retains the master information: the search index Contains data from your source system. Your search application instance (Elasticsearch, SharePoint Online, etc.) contains the search indexes.
One search index per content source. provides only a representation (pointer).
- Users can click a search result and work on the original item or document.
- Indexes every desired item with a very high throughput.
For more information about the Salesforce connector features and abilities, see https://www.bainsight.com/connectors/salesforce-connector-sharepoint-azure-elasticsearch/.
The BA Insight Salesforce connector honors the security of the source system.
No known limitations at this time.