Configure Egnyte Web Site IIS Certificate
- Open the IIS manager and confirm your Egnyte IIS site exists in the Sites list.
- Bind your web server certificate to the newly-created site:
- Locate the entry BA Insight Egnyte Connector site in the left-side pane.
- Right-click this site and select Edit Bindings from the sub-menu that appears.
- A new configuration windows opens.
- Port: Ensure that the Port (443) has been populated by the installer. See the graphic below.
- SSL certificate: Click the drop-down menu to select your previously installed certificate.
- If you are running on a specific hostname or multiple certificates on port 443 specify or select the following:
- Host name
- Require Server Name Indication
- SSL certificate
- Access to this example site would be "https://egnyte.domain.local"
- Click OK to complete the configuration process.
- Optional:
- If the HTTP binding is no longer used, it can be removed.
- Select the configuration binding and click "Remove."