How to Configure Your M-Files Connector Using Web.config

Like all BA Insight connectors, the M-Files connector has a web.config file that can be used to make specific, advanced modifications to your connector. 

Modify your connector's web.config file only when necessary.This file contains settings that are NOT commonly changed. Make changes to this file with caution.

Location of Web.config File

The web.config file is located at <ConnectorRoot>\WebService\Web.config.

Web.config File Details

In the <appSettings> section of the web.config file, you can modify the following settings:

  • EnumerationSearchTimeout
    • API Extension application runs a search to retrieve a page of items based on the page size configured in connections settings.
      • If page size is big, then it may take longer time and timeout can happen.
      • In this case either the page size must be changed to a smaller value or this timeout to a bigger one.
    • Timeout value must be specified in seconds.
      • Default value: 60.