How to Configure the Egnyte Connector

About Configuration

To configure the Egnyte connector, you must have the connector's "Web service URL." This URL can be acquired from IIS. Additionally, a new web service connection must be Create a New Web Service Connection

Note the following:

  • Security configuration requires a Domain account with sufficient privileges
  • Setting the crawl rate requires editing the file web.config in the root SmartHub installation directory

Acquire the Egnyte Connector Web Service URL

  1. Navigate to IIS on the machine that hosts your BA Insight connectors.
  2. Expand Sites.
  3. Select your Egnyte connector.
  4. Right-click the DataConnector.asmx file and select Browse from the sub-menu.
  5. The connector web page opens. The browser address is the Web service URL.
  6. Copy this URL.

Create a New Web Service Connection

  1. Launch BA Insight Connectivity Hub, and click the Connections link from the top navigation.
  2. Click New > Web service connection.
  3. The Edit WebService Connection page appears.
  4. Paste the web service URL into the web service URL field, and click the Connect button to connect to the web service.
  5. Enter the connection Title.
  6. Click Save.

Configure General Settings

  1. Click the General Settings tab.
  2. If you leave the Max concurrent requests field blank, the default value applies.
    Use this entry to control performance.
  3. In the Egnyte App Domain field, enter the Egnyte App Domain.

  4. in the Index Private Folders field, select the checkbox to enable indexing private folders.

  5. In the Included Folder Paths field, enter a new line separated list of included folder paths.

  6. In the Excluded Folder Paths field, enter a new line separated list of excluded folder paths.

Include/Exclude Folder Paths Configuration

Input Validation Rules

  1. All paths should start with /Shared/xxx (both included and excluded).

  2. Values for a given filter (include or exclude) should not contain 2 conflicting values.

    For example, the validation will fail for the following:, includes=/shared/folderA/*, /shared/folderA/folderB =>

  3. If the include filter is non empty and the exclude filter is not a sub-path of one of the include /* trailing syntax filters, then the validation would fail. For example, the following is invalid: includes=/shared/folderA/* , excludes=/shared/FolderC/folderB

  4. Exclusion paths should not contain the /* trailing syntax.

Include Folder Paths Configuration

  1. Add folder path to crawl only the items in the specified folder: /Shared/Documents

  2. Add /* trailing syntax to crawl items in the specified folder + all sub-folders: /Shared/Documents/*

Exclude Folder Paths Configuration

  1. Add folder path to exclude the items in the specified folder+ all sub-folders: /Shared/Documents

  2. Adding /* trailing syntax to an exclude folder path will fail the validation: /Shared/Documents/*

Set the Security Domain Account

  1. Select the Securitytab.

  2. Enter a valid domain account (in the format domain\username) in the Content owner field.

  3. The Content owner domain account, is granted access to all content within the search index Contains data from your source system. Your search application instance (Elasticsearch, SharePoint Online, etc.) contains the search indexes. One search index per content source..

QPS and Crawl Rate

  • The QPS rate is stored in the web.config file at the root level of the connector installation directory and can be modified there (the default is 2).

  • The expected crawl speed of the connecter is roughly 2k docs per hour for a QPS rate of 10. 


  • Max File Size is not supported

  • Max Returns is not supported