Create the Box App and Generate the Security Token


Authorization Page

  1. Log on to the server where the connector is installed using Windows Remote Desktop.
  2. Open a browser window.
  3. Go to: http://locahost:<port number>/OAuth.aspx where <port number> is the port number chosen in during the installation process.
  4. Complete the instructions in the Create the application and Gather Connection Details (Edit the Application) sections.
  5. Once complete, return to this page and complete the instructions in the Grant Permissions to the Box Application section.

Create the Application

The application is created in Box. You must create this application under the administrative account that will be used to crawl the Box content.

  1. Open a new web browser page and go to the address: https://<YOURBOXSITE>
  2. Select Custom App from the list and click Next.
  3. Select Standard OAuth 2.0 (User Authentication) and click Next.
  4. Provide a name such as "SupportCrawl"
  5. Click the "Create App" button.
  6. A success page appears.

Gather Connection Details (Edit the Application)

  1. In the edit application page, scroll down to the "OAuth2 Parameters" section.
  2. Set the Redirect URI to the Authorization page as mentioned in the Authorization Page section of this documentation.
    • For example: http://localhost:<port number>/OAuth.aspx
  3. in the Application scopes section, select the following checkboxes:
    1. Read all files and folders stored in Box
    2. Write all files and folders stored in Box
      • Note: This scope is required to download files. The Box connector does NOT make any changes in Box.
    3. Manage Users
    4. Manage Groups
    5. Manage enterprise properties.
  4. Copy the Client_id and Client_secret values into a text document, using a program like Windows Notepad - these values are needed in later steps.
  5. Press the Save Changes button

Grant Permissions to the Box Application

  1. Once you have saved the Box application, return to the Authentication page and click the Next button.
  2. The Authorize the app section will display. Complete the following fields:
    1. Insert an Authorization ID which is a name given to the current authorization process.
      Note: Remember this name or save it in a text file because it is required when creating a Box Connection Connection defines the how Connectivity Hub connects to your Source System (which contains your documents, graphics, etc.,). Your Connection includes identifying elements such as: URL of the BA Insight web service connector you are using, (File Share connector, SharePoint Online connector, etc.), Authentication mode, User Accounts and Credentials, Database information (for database connectors).
    2. Insert the Client ID and Client Secret values that you saved from the Box Application in the previous steps.
    3. Click Authorize.
  3. The browser redirects you to a new page where you can grant your newly created app access to Box. Click the Grant access to Box button.
  4. Enter the credentials of your Box account that was used to create the Box application.
  5. Once the permissions have been successfully granted, a success page appears.
  6. You can now close the page.